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Bishop Bonnar Messages

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Dreaming into the New Year

BIshop Bonnar: “As we complete one year and prepare to enter into a new one, let us give thanks to God who has allowed our dreams to take flight in 2021, and give ourselves a chance to dream anew in 2022.”

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Letter | Christmas Message

Bishop Bonnar: “We rejoice not only over the lasting memory of that first Christmas, but also over the glorious reality of our present experience rooted in the Good News of the Word made flesh that dwells among us.”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Understanding the ‘Why’ of the Parish

Bishop Bonnar: To be adaptive for mission, the Church needs to “steer away from the rear-view mirror and the sense of nostalgia to the front windshield and a whole new way of seeing and being.”

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Homily | Opening Mass for Synod on Synodality

Bishop Bonnar: “The Synod on Synodality . . . is the continuation of Pope Francis’ missionary dream seeking to bring the Good News to the world, especially to the peripheries with the hope of bringing renewal to the Church, a renewal that breathes new life and change into the Church from the Holy Spirit.”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Pastoral Planning: Moving Forward Together

Bishop Bonnar: “I know that we have a rich past filled with special memories, many of which involve our church buildings. I believe our future can be just as rich if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and invest our efforts in becoming missionary disciples.”