Communique | July 2022

National Eucharistic Revival

The full Communique is provided in digital and print formats below.

The Communique collects important information provided by diocesan offices for parish ministry leaders. It also includes promotional materials for diocesan events and programs, where applicable.

July 2022 Communique (DOCX/Word) | PDF

July 2022 Communique Attachments (DOCX/Word) | PDF

Digital Format:

The full Communique – including attachments – is available below digitally. Announcements are listed by diocesan departments and office.

Announcements suitable or adaptable for parish bulletins are noted. Where applicable, graphic files are included: right click to save/download. Attachments (e.g. flyers) are also included within the notices for each office below.

Diocesan Events can also be found our Events Calendar.

Safe Environment Policy

Safe Environment Page, Full Policy, and Resources | Background Check Requirements


1. Who needs to be compliant?


A. All active clergy, religious, seminarians, and persons in formation are required to be compliant.


B. All employees in parishes, schools, and institutions, including the Diocesan Central Offices, are required to be compliant regardless of their level of contact with children or vulnerable adults.


C. Any volunteer who has unsupervised access to a child or vulnerable adult, or who works directly with a child or vulnerable adult, or who is responsible for a child or vulnerable adult on behalf of the Diocese, must be compliant.


2. Compliance Requirements


A. Signed Authorization & Verification and Acknowledgement Form submitted to local Compliance Officer.


All clergy, religious, seminarians, persons in formation, and employees, and those volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults, must review a paper or electronic copy of the Safe Environment Policy and sign the Authorization & Verification Form and Acknowledgement Form. A signed copy must be submitted to your parish, school, or institution Compliance Officer. 


B. Fingerprinting and Background Checks


All clergy, religious, seminarians, persons in formation, and employees, and those volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults, must obtain a BCI or BCI/FBI background check.


Background checks are only valid for five years and must be renewed to maintain compliance. Any Webcheck location may be used and locations can be found at


Background check requirements and codes are included in this month’s Communique attachments. Background checks must be sent directly to the Safe Environment Coordinator at the Diocese:


Catholic Diocese of Youngstown
Attn: Safe Environment Office
144 West Wood Street
Youngstown, OH 44503


As of January 20, 2020, background checks completed on or after this date for other agencies, employers, dioceses, etc., are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown unless a copy is also sent directly to the Safe Environment Coordinator by BCI&I.


C. VIRTUS Account and VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Class


All clergy, religious, seminarians, persons in formation, and employees, and those volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults, must create a VIRTUS account with the Diocese of Youngstown and complete the VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children in-service class.


Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website for a schedule of VIRTUS in-service classes and to register in either English or Spanish. Until the threat of covid-19 has subsided, individuals are permitted to take the VIRTUS course online.


Child/Vulnerable Adult protection in-service courses from other agencies, employers, dioceses, Scouts, etc., are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown.


3. Updating Information


Compliance Officers must submit updates for current and new employees and volunteers as they complete child protection compliance requirements on a Compliance Checklist. A person is not compliant until the Safe Environment Coordinator receives a Compliance Checklist noting the dates that the requirements were fulfilled. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to find the Compliance Checklist. 


4. Reporting Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse


If you or someone you know has been abused at any time by a priest, deacon, religious, seminarian, person in formation, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Youngstown, or if you believe that abuse has occurred or is currently occurring, contact civil authorities and also Mr. Dominic Colucy, Safe Environment Coordinator/Victim Assistance Coordinator, (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.


Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to find our most up-to-date Reporting Requirements and Procedures in English and Spanish.


5. Questions or Concerns


For more information about the Diocese of Youngstown Safe Environment Policy, contact by mail: 144 W. Wood Street, Youngstown, OH 44503, phone: 330-744-8451 x293; fax: 330-744-5099; or e-mail:

Letters of Suitability

Please note that no priest or deacon may exercise ministry within the Diocese of Youngstown without being granted faculties/permission by the bishop.  It is the obligation of the pastor of the parish where ministry or speaking engagement will occur (or other responsible person outside a parish setting) to insure that the visiting cleric has obtained a letter of suitability.  Without such a letter, the Diocese, the parish or school and the pastor or president could become legally liable should any wrongdoing occur. 


The visiting cleric himself should ask his bishop or religious superior to send a letter of suitability to Bishop Bonnar.  Letters of suitability are to be sent from one bishop/superior to another, not directly to a parish, since it is the bishop who is responsible for determining a cleric’s suitability for ministry. 


If you have any questions, please contact Msgr. John Zuraw, Chancellor

Eucharistic Revival (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)


1. Upcoming Eucharistic Revival Events


Full-page Flyer 


The National Eucharistic Revival has launched in the Diocese of Youngstown, and the March of the Eucharist Continues! Our first celebration was at Saint Columba Cathedral in June, and now we continue our regional Mass and Eucharistic processions in each county of the diocese. Our next celebrations will be at Christ the Servant Parish in Canton on July 11th at 11am, and then at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Ashtabula on August 14th at 12pm. See for the full schedule and more information.

The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year process sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Bishops to “inspire and prepare the People of God to be formed, healed, converted, united, and sent out to a hurting and hungry world through a renewed encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist – the source and summit of our Catholic faith” (quote taken from the website for the National Eucharistic Revival).

More detail:


The first year, began on June 19, 2022 and continues until June 2023, has been identified as the Year of Diocesan Revival. The Very Rev. John-Michael Lavelle, coordinator of the Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Youngstown and the diocese’s Vicar for Missionary Discipleship, says that in the diocesan year, “we will travel to all parts of the diocese, united in the Mass, Eucharistic Processions, and Holy Hours – leading us to a deeper appreciation of the presence of Christ in our lives.”

The second year of the Eucharistic Revival has been identified as the Year of Parish Revival and will run from June 2023 until July 2024. It will include efforts to strengthen eucharistic devotion and experience at the parish level. Father Lavelle notes that, “In the early days of our diocese, a book was prepared, entitled, The March of the Eucharist, which highlighted all the places of worship in which we celebrated the Eucharist – mainly, our parish Churches. The Eucharistic Revival is an opportunity to discover that the ‘march of the Eucharist’ continues in new ways and that, having experienced the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, we are called to share him with the world.”


In July 2024, a National Eucharistic Congress will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, the tenth in the history of the United States, inaugurating the “Year of Going Out on Mission” until Pentecost 2025.



2. Bulletin Resources / Reminders about Reception of Holy Communion


In light of returning the practice of offering the Chalice to the faithful during the distribution of Holy Communion and the Eucharistic Revival, the Office of Worship Office has re-released a series of bulletin inserts on the Reception of Holy Communion that were produced from the Office of Worship a few years ago.
They contain some helpful reminders about the “basics” of receiving Holy Communion including the gesture of reverence, the proper way to receive the host and chalice, and our response.
Archives Office

With the able assistance of seminarians Daniel LaPolla and Craig Ziobert,  the archives have benefited from assessment, organization, and collecting projects this summer.  As we strive to preserve our community memory, we welcome questions and suggestions – please contact Joan Lawson, Archivist, at 330-744-8451 x290, or email

Canonical Services
Tribunal Inservice

Tribunal In-Service Available


The Tribunal staff has made available an ongoing, in-service for pastors, associates, deacons, religious, directors of religious education, religious education coordinators and counselors in order to prepare them in facilitating pleas for nullity for persons within the community whose marriages have broken down and who may be seeking a second union recognized by the Church.


The in-service focuses on preparation of case histories, compilation of documents, witnesses and determining of the appropriate grounds of nullity. Covered also are other types of nullity procedures.


Size of the in-service is in small groups of between 8-12 participants and generally runs approximately two hours. The in-service is offered at either the offices of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Youngstown or at a parish in the Canton area.

Interested parties, who have not already registered or who need a “refresher” should call the Tribunal at (330) 744-8451, ext. 252, to have their names placed on the registrant list. You would then be contacted when there are at least eight registrants for a particular location.


Catholic Charities Services
Catholic Charities (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)


The annual First Step for Change campaign has officially ended. Please encourage parishioners to return packets to your parish as soon as possible. Once collected, send all packets to Catholic Charities, First Step for Change, 144 W. Wood St., Youngstown, Ohio 44503.

Funds raised through this campaign will assist low-income pregnant women and families with food, formula, clothing, diapers and other items essential to a child’s health, safety and well-being.

Thank you for your participation! Online donations will be accepted throughout the month of July.




Community Cupboard Bulletin Announcements 2022

Community Cupboard Flyer/Bulletin (PDF) | PNG


More Detail: 

The Catholic Charities Community Cupboard Campaign collects personal hygiene, cleaning, and paper products that clients need access to in order to feel good about themselves. When Catholic Charities is able to offer clients these items, we affirm—and sometimes restore— their dignity and sense of self-worth.
We continue to see an increase in demand for these resources to meet the needs of those in crisis. After many conversations with our clients, we have learned that personal hygiene, household cleaning, and paper products are difficult items for them to obtain on a regular basis.
Visit for more information or drop off a donation at a location near you. Donors are strongly encouraged to call the site first to confirm delivery details, such as office hours.

Here are some ways your parish family can support the Community Cupboard campaign:

• Join us in prayer for those struggling to provide for their families. Include information in your parish bulletin (see enclosed bulletin announcements and flyer) and share the information we provide on our social media venues with your parishioners to help raise awareness.

• Donate hygiene and cleaning products to your local Catholic Charities agency. Donated items will be distributed to families. This is a great service project for parish groups, youth groups, and families.

• Purchase hygiene or cleaning products through Amazon Smile. Purchases can be delivered directly to an agency site and 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchase will be donated back to Catholic Charities.
** (If you have an Amazon account, simply go to and select the Catholic Charities agency of your choice to be your donation recipient for all eligible purchases.)

• Visit our Dollar Days Wish list, select the items you wish to purchase for those in need, and your purchase will be delivered directly to Catholic Charities.



Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown has just released a new publication titled A Community Resource Guide, Where to Turn. This publication was assembled to help those who help others, especially those in ministry at our local Catholic parishes, schools, and other institutions throughout the Diocese of Youngstown.

Catholic Charities offers a range of services to meet local needs, but we often rely on partners in the community to assist with the services we do not provide and to help us address the full breadth of client needs presented to us. While the Community Resource Guide is not an exhaustive list of services, it does provide information on the resources that are most typically needed by our clients.

The Community Resource Guide is available electronically (by county) on our website at


Catholic Charities Regional Agency is hosting a golf outing to benefit Christina House in Columbiana County. The event is an all-women’s outing called “Women Fore Women” and will take place on July 11 at The Links at Firestone Farms. Registration is now closed, but details and sponsorship information can be found online at




A day of worship & praise; a day to meet black Catholics from around the tristate area.
This year’s liturgist: Father Joseph Brown, S.J Ph. D. at Sorrowful Mother of Mary Shrine, Bellevue, Ohio.

For more information contact:
Bil Haney (the Toledo Black Catholic Ministry) @ (419) 357-5170.


Catholic Relief Services


CRS Rice Bowl is the official Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the official overseas international relief and development agency of the United States Bishops. It was created in 1975 with the goal of entering into solidarity with our brothers and sisters overseas through prayer, fasting, learning, and giving. This Lenten program is conducted in Catholic parishes and schools throughout the Diocese of Youngstown. Seventy-five percent of the funds raised are sent to CRS

for international development projects; twenty-five percent of CRS Rice Bowl supports local programs and initiatives that address hunger and poverty.


Local groups and organizations are encouraged to apply for grants that will alleviate hunger and poverty in your community. Guidelines are as follows:


  1. The project requesting funds must be operated within the geographical boundaries of the Diocese of Youngstown.
  2. Projects must be consistent with Catholic moral and social teaching. 
  3. Recipient must be a not-for-profit organization.
  4. The project requesting funds should make an immediate impact to alleviate poverty and hunger within the Diocese of Youngstown.
  5. Grants are made on an annual basis only.

Completed applications (including required attachments) must be submitted by July 31, 2022.

Grants will be awarded by September 15, 2022. If you would like to receive an application, please send your request via email to and an application will be returned to you.

Prison Ministry (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)


Full Page Flyer for Kolbe Gathering (or see text below)

Kolbe Gathering

Kolbe Gathering is a place for the formerly incarcerated and their families to join with parish-based volunteers in spiritual support and fellowship. Embrace spirituality in prayer, music, scripture reading and fellowship, all in a welcoming and warm environment.

St. Maximilian Kolbe is Patron Saint of prisoners and drug addicts.  He was martyred at Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

For further information contact William Barber, Coordinator for Prison Ministry, at 330.235.3920.

Communications and Media Offices
Catholic Exponent (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)

Publication dates and special sections for the Exponent are as follows:


July 08 (Special Sections: Health Care / One Day Trips)

July 22 (Special Section: Careers & College Guide)

August 5 (Special Sections: Back-to-School / Fall Home Improvement)

August 19 (Special Section: Football)


The normal deadline for each issue is 12 days before the publication date. We try to get late information into the issue, but are sometimes limited by lack of available space.


The Catholic Exponent is your source for informative, reliable, and doctrinally sound news stories, features, and commentary – keeping you up to date on local events such as Catholic school Advent programs and parish events, as well as the news of the Church across the country and around the globe.

To subscribe, call 330-744-5251 or email to request subscription information. Thank you for supporting your diocesan newspaper.

CTNY & Multimedia (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)

1. On-Demand: Ordinations and Eucharistic Revival Launch

On-demand video for recent events can be found at This includes full Masses for recent Diaconate and Priesthood Ordinations, Highlights from the Priesthood Ordination, and the Full Mass and Eucharistic Procession for the Launch of the Eucharistic Revival


2. Radio Programming – Wineskins


Wineskins airs every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WKBN 570 AM in Youngstown, WRQX 600 AM in Salem at 7:30 a.m., WILB AM Canton 1060/WILB FM 89.5 Youngstown/WILB FM 94.5 Canton at 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.  Listen to Wineskins on the diocesan website by going to and clicking on the Wineskins button.


The Current Issue Segment will feature: July 3: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Sheila Tripett; July 10: Fr. Jack Lavelle talks about the Media on Life Issues; July 17: Fr Jim Korda speaks with Nancy Voitus on Catholic Charities; July 24: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Mary Beth Garvin from Peter’s Shadow; and, July 31: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Fr David Misbrener on Patrimony.


Martha Coulter, from St. Jude Church in Columbiana, will tell us about the Saints celebrated this month: July 3: Venerable Martyr Febronia; July 10: St. Kateri Tekakwitha; July 17: St. Mary Magdalene; July 24: Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus; and, July 31: St. John Vianney.


The Interview Segment will include: July 3: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Sr. Mary McCormick, OSU, Part II; July 10: Fr. Jim Korda interviews Sr. Mary McCormick, OSU, Part III; July 17: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Deacon Brook Benedict; July 24: Fr. Jim Korda speaks with Deacon Fred Schlueter; and, July 31: Fr. Jim Korda interviews Deacon John Rovnak.


This month’s Music Segment is from the CD “Love Songs Inspired from Above,” by the Kellenberg Memorial High School Choir.


Sr. Regina Rogers, OSU, Pastoral Assistant at St. Edward Church in Youngtown, will give her reflections on the Sunday Scripture Readings: July 3: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; July 10: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; July 17: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; July 24: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; and, July 31: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Office of Media Relations

1. Parishes and other diocesan entities who receive inquiries from the media are asked to consult with Justin Huyck, Coordinator of Media Relations: (330) 744-8451, ext. 320;


2. Please also kindly inform the Office of Media Relations when your programs, initiatives, and ministries are featured in the news media.


3. The Office of Media Relations is available to consult on news releases regarding events and initiatives. Processes will continue to be developed to assist these efforts.

Office of Social Media

1. 2022- 2023 Social Media Profile Report Form for parishes, Catholic schools, agencies and offices

Catholic institutions in the Diocese of Youngstown are asked to complete a *new* Social Media Profile for the new fiscal year so that we know what is currently being used around the diocese, and to help network those seeking support in various areas.


Click on the link to complete:


Please note that the contact person listed in the profile will receive period emails from the diocese to support his/her work.


Thank you to the 39 parishes/offices that did so in 2021-2022. Your responses helped us host virtual networking meetings, respond to FAQs, provide consultations, and share/retweet/like posts from all around the diocese!



2. DOY Social Media Networking Facebook Group for Social Media Contacts

Ongoing networking regarding social media can be found on Facebook in a private group at:

(Or search for “DOY Social Media Networking”)

This is a great place to share resources, ask questions and meet others around the diocese doing social media for their parishes, schools, offices and agencies. You can also share upcoming events that you’d like to invite others to so they can share in social media as well. Note: This is a key way the Social Media Minister is sharing insights as to avoid overwhelming contacts email boxes.


3. Social Media Helpful Hint of the Month – Remember the 5 W’s for events and programs!

When sharing information on upcoming programs, events and activities, remember that your post should link to or include the 5 W’s – Who What, When, Where, and Why?


Who – Who is your target audience of participants?
Who should they contact for more information?


What – What is going on? What is the connection to your mission?


When – Do not forget the date and time (seriously not long ago, saw a lovely event flier that did not include the date on it – oops!)


Where – Where will it take place? Is there a specific room or door to enter? Is there a specific place to park? Please do not assume that everyone knows your whole campus or the location of off-site events.


Why – Why should people want to be involved? Why are you invited them?


And, while not a “w” word, How is also important in How do I register or sign up?


These are all crucial for webpages, fliers and letters of invitation. For social media posts, you might want to do a campaign listing each of these questions in separate posts but also then link to a website or include contact information for more information.


Clergy and Religious Services
Office of Clergy Services

1. Priestly Revival

As announced previously by Bishop Bonnar: in conjunction with the National Eucharistic Revival, Bishop Bonnar is inviting all priests to join him for a Priestly Revival, overnight at the Eastwood Event Center and Residence Inn at the Eastwood Complex in Niles on Thursday, September 29, 2022 to Friday, September 30, 2022. The gathering will begin on Thursday afternoon and conclude with Holy Mass and lunch on Friday. Please make this a priority in your scheduling. Please RSVP to no later than July 15, 2022, so that we can secure the proper number of rooms.

Office of Vocations

1. Orientation Videos

Full videos of the Ordination Masses of Deacon Brook Benedict, Deacon Robert England, Decon John Rovnak, Deacon Frederick Schlueter, and Father Connor Hetzel can be found at There is also a special Highlight video from the Priesthood Ordination.


2. There is a change of personnel in the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Youngstown.

The current director, Fr. Scott Kopp, as of July 1, 2022, will be focusing solely on our current seminarians, taking on the accompaniment of our seminarians from the point of acceptance into the program until ordination or the termination of their sponsorship. Fr. Chad Johnson will take on the responsibilities of overseeing the environment of vocation in the diocese, visiting our parishes and schools in promoting and educating on vocation, and assisting the men in their discernment of the priesthood.

3. Seminarian Posters and Prayer Cards

Please contact the Vocations Office when you would like more copies of the 2021-22 Seminarian Poster or Prayer Card.


4. Vocation Director at Your Parish / School

Diocesan Vocation Director Fr. Chad Johnson is coordinating his fall schedule of visiting our 6 Catholic high schools. If you have a special youth ministry, parish, retreat, or vocational event, consider asking him to attend or speak. 330-744-8451 or by email at


5. Come and See Weekends

Weekend visits to the seminary are being put on hold for the year because of COVID and construction at the Cleveland seminary. We hope future dates will be available for the 2022-23 school year.


6. Seminarian Visits to Your School or Parish

Please remember all of the seminarians we have currently studying in our diocese. They are all willing and available to come and speak at your parish or school. To schedule one, please contact Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at


7. Seminary Field Trips

Field trips to the seminary are being put on hold for the year because of COVID and construction at the Cleveland seminary.



8. Vocations Social Media

Website:  |    Facebook: doyvocations


9. Vocation Intercessions and Bulletin Blurbs


Please see the next section of the Communiqué  (Attachments in the print communique) for vocation intercessions and bulletin blurbs for the month of July.  Please use these in your bulletins and at Mass to help promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in your parish community and school.

Vocations Intercessions and Bulletin Briefs (Bulletin Materials)

Vocation Bulletin Briefs

July 2022/Cycle C

(Intercessions follow)



Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 26, 2022

“Serve one another through love.” Does a life of prayer and service as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life attract you? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 3, 2022

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” Are you called to be a laborer for Christ as a priest, deacon, brother or sister? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 10, 2022

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Faithfulness to one’s vocation is essential to holiness. Is yours to be a priest, deacon, sister or brother? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 17, 2022

“It is He whom we proclaim.” Are you being called to proclaim Christ and the word of God? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 24, 2022

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Are you being called to help feed the people of God as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 31, 2022

If simplicity of life and the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience especially attract you, discover that life as a priest, deacon, sister or brother. Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 7, 2022

“ … for he has prepared a city for them.” Are you called to lead the Lord’s people to the eternal city that he has prepared for them as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or email:



Vocation General Intercessions

July 2022/Cycle C



The Ascension of the Lord — May 29, 2022

That Christ, from his seat in heaven, will bless and guide all those called to serve Him as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers, we pray to the Lord.


Pentecost Sunday — June 5, 2022

That those now discerning their vocations will be guided by the Holy Spirit to respond to the Lord’s call with passion and enthusiasm, we pray to the Lord.


The Most Holy Trinity – June 12, 2022

That those chosen to share the mercy of God as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers will be faithful to the Spirit of Truth who has called them and guides them, we pray to the Lord.


The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 19, 2022 [Corpus Christi]

That the Body and Blood of Christ will strengthen those being called to the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life to persevere in their vocations and respond with confidence and joy, we pray to the Lord.


Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 26, 2022

That men and women called to proclaim the kingdom of God as priests, deacons and in the consecrated life, will be given the strength to overcome every obstacle to their response through prayer and the practice of virtue, we pray to the Lord.


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 3, 2022

For an increase in laborers to the Lord of the Harvest in response to our prayers for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the consecrated life, and for the holiness of all those now serving the people of our diocese in these vocations, we pray to the Lord.


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 10, 2022

That all those now discerning their vocation will be attentive in prayer and active in their response to Jesus the Eternal Word who calls them, we pray to the Lord.


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 17, 2022

That like Mary of Bethany, all priests, deacons and brothers and sisters will listen to the Lord in prayer, faithful to their choice of vocation, we pray to the Lord.


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 24, 2022

That the Holy Spirit will give inspiration and guidance to all those discerning their vocation in Christ, we pray to the Lord.


Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 31, 2022

That those who desire to be “rich in what matters to God” and are discerning a vocation to the consecrated life will be enriched by the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 7, 2022

That those who have been given their vocations as priests, deacons and consecrated men and women will be guided to imitate the Lord’s generosity as they live that gift, we pray to the Lord.


Office of Vowed Religious

1. Religious Jubilarian/Conference Day – Save the Date

Please mark your calendars.  Bishop David Bonnar will celebrate the jubilees of religious who have served, or are currently serving in the diocese, on Saturday, October 22, 2022. The event will take place at Holy Family Parish.  Ursuline Sister Regina Rogers will speak on the History of religious in the Diocese of Youngstown. Fliers will be sent closer to the date.


2. Bishop/Religious Leadership Meeting

Please mark your calendars.  Bishop David Bonnar will meet with Congregational Leaders and/or designated representatives on Thursday, October 27, 2022 at the Ursuline Motherhouse in Canfield from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.  Lunch will be served.


3. Retirement Fund for Religious

The Retirement Fund for Religious Appeal will take place on the weekend of November 12 – 13, 2022.  The collection will be taken up the following weekend. Religious and Associates, please consider speaking on behalf of our senior religious.


4. World Day for Consecrated Life 

Please mark your calendars.  Bishop David Bonnar will celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at St. Columba Cathedral at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.


5. Pastoral Visit       

If Sister Joyce Candidi has not had an opportunity to visit with any religious within the last year, please feel free to schedule an appointment with her at any time.  Sister Joyce is willing to travel to any residence. Contact information: or (330) 744-8451, ext 238.

Development and Stewardship Offices
Office of the Annual Diocesan Appeal

2022 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Father John-Michael Lavelle continues to send weekly updates regarding the appeal, including parish updates as well as bulletin materials and suggested announcements. These materials are also posted at 

Office of Development and Stewardship

1. Endowments with the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation

You are invited to Leave a Legacy for your parish, Catholic school, or Catholic ministry by establishing a perpetual endowment fund within the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation. The income from these funds is available to the designated parish, school, or ministry, and is restricted to the purpose(s) which the donors establish. For questions about the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation, please contact Pat Kelly at


2. Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts

Please see the next section of the Communique (attachments in the print Communique) for this month’s Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts

Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts | English (Bulletin Materials)

July 3, 2022

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“He said to them, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few…’”     Luke 10:2

As Catholics we are all called to serve.  Each of us has been given “charisms” otherwise known as gifts from the Holy Spirit to help build God’s Church.  Our charisms can only be used for good.  We know that we are using them in the right ministry when we are filled with joy and we want to share stories about our charitable works.  Discern how God is calling you to use your charisms.  Say “yes” to what God is calling you to do and then do it!  Share your joy and invite others to do the same.


July 10, 2022

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’”      Luke 10:37

This was Jesus’ command at the end of the Good Samaritan story.  Did you know that the Samaritans and Jews despised each other?  The moral of the story is to love our neighbor.  That means loving someone you may not know, or someone that looks different than you, or someone that has different beliefs than you, or someone that you don’t like.  All without expecting anything in return.


July 17, 2022

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“…I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God.”    Colossians 1:25

We are all called to evangelize – to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel.  Our faith is more attractive to others by our actions than by our words alone.  We may not be called to evangelize like St. Paul, but we should look for opportunities to share our faith through our actions and words, especially with those closest to us, like our family, friends and neighbors.  Pray for the courage to joyfully express your faith the next time the opportunity arises.


July 24, 2022

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” 
Luke 11:9

Jesus assures us that if we ask, God will take care of what we need.  The problem is that our culture often confuses what we really need with what we simply want.  The truth is that many of us need very little.  However, we usually want so much more!  Stewardship is simply being grateful for all that we are and all that we have been given, and generously sharing all of our God-given gifts with others.  Generosity is a gift that opens doors to new relationships with others and with God.


July 31, 2022

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.”       Luke 12:15

The Gospel message is contrary to modern culture that continually tries to convince us that our joy comes from the material things we possess.  That the more we acquire, the happier we will be.  Jesus shows us that our true joy comes from our “invisible” gifts like love, mercy and forgiveness.  True joy comes from “emptying” ourselves, giving of ourselves rather than always taking.  We are called not to hoard but to share.  True joy comes from living a grateful and generous lifestyle; become more “God-centered” and less “self-centered.”


August 7, 2022

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”    Luke 12:34

Jesus encourages us to build up our treasure in heaven.  The world encourages us to build up our treasure in real estate, investments, and material goods.  How much time are you investing in building up a worldly treasure?  How much time are you investing in building up a heavenly treasure?  To invest more in the things of heaven, you must let go of some of the things of this world.    


August 14, 2022

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Do you think I have come to give you peace on Earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division.”
Luke 12:51

Many of us like to play it safe, not cause waves with our family and friends, especially when it comes to politics and religion.  We don’t want to cause any turmoil.  However, many times this is at the expense of the truth.  The truth being Jesus Christ.  Too many people are misguided because they rely on their own limited human ability to reason and are not allowing faith in God to guide them. Form your conscience; take a stance for life, marriage and religious liberty.


August 21, 2022

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

“For behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.”     Luke 13:30

Our cultural standards are different from God’s standards.  We often rank people by what they have, how powerful they are, or how successful they are.  Jesus reminds us that God will not judge us by the same earthly standards.  When God asks you, “What have you done with the gifts I have given you?”  How will you respond?


August 28, 2022

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you.”    Luke 14:13-14

One of the main principles of living a stewardship lifestyle is to give without expecting anything in return.  This is difficult for some to comprehend in our “consumerist” culture that we live in.  This is even difficult for many parish communities that have become heavily dependent on parish fundraising events to support the mission and ministry of their local parish.  Generally speaking, at a parish fundraiser, you pay money and receive something in return, it’s just a financial transaction.  This is opposed to our parish offertory at Holy Mass, where you unite your sacrifice with Jesus’, renewing our covenant relationship with Him.


September 4, 2022

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”    Luke 14:33

When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is making an unrealistic demand upon us.  How can we renounce all of our possessions?  We need them to live.  However, what we must renounce is the belief that they belong to us.  Everything that we have belongs to God alone.  All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others.  Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us.  Then we truly are His Disciples.


September 11, 2022

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Everything I have is yours.”    Luke 15:31

Our Heavenly Father gives us everything, including the chance to share in His eternal kingdom.  Yet, like the Prodigal Son, we are often lured away by the materialism of our society.  Do you really want to turn your back on all that God offers in exchange for material wealth that has no lasting value?  God wants us to be happy on earth as well.  But, that requires us to freely accept His gift of faith; putting Him first in all things and detaching from our own self-sufficiency.


September 18, 2022

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“No servant can serve two masters.  He will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth).”    Luke 16:13

Jesus knows that for many of us, God and money run “neck and neck” as top priority.  Is money a “god” that you put before God?  Giving money to support the Church and other charity is a pillar of our faith, just like attending Mass every Sunday and participating in parish ministry.  Giving money frees us from becoming a slave to money.  It increases our dependence on God and our trust that God will provide all that we need.


September 25, 2022

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 “My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented.  Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established…”     Luke 16:25-26

When God created the world He declared that it was good and He gave it to all mankind for us to enjoy.  However, over the years we have created a chasm between those who have great gifts and those who do not.  In today’s Gospel we see that with our own generosity we must bridge that gap between those who have much and those who have little or we may find ourselves on the wrong side of the chasm in the next life.

Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts | Spanish (Bulletin Materials)

3 de Julio de 2022

Domingo 14o del Tiempo Ordinario

Él les dijo, “La cosecha es abundante, pero los trabajadores son pocos…”  Lucas 10:2

Como Católicos todos estamos llamados a servir.  A cada uno de nosotros se nos han otorgado “carismas”, también conocidos como dones del Espíritu Santo, para ayudarnos a construir la Iglesia de Dios.  Nuestros carismas solamente pueden utilizarse para bien.  Sabemos que los estamos utilizando en el ministerio correcto cuando nos sentimos llenos de alegría y queremos compartir las historias acerca de nuestras obras de caridad.  Descifre como Dios lo llama a utilizar sus carismas.  ¡Dígale “sí” al llamado de Dios y luego póngalo en práctica!  Comparta su alegría e invite a los demás a hacer lo mismo.


10 de Julio de 2022

Domingo 15o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Jesus le dijo, ‘Ve y haz lo mismo’”      Lucas 10:37

Este fue el mandato de Jesus al final de la historia del Buen Samaritano.  ¿Sabía usted que los Samaritanos y los Judíos se despreciaban los unos a los otros?  La moraleja de la historia es amar a nuestros vecinos.  Eso quiere decir amar a alguien que usted quizás no conoce, que luce diferente a usted, que tiene creencias diferentes a las suyas, o que a usted no le gusta.  Todo sin esperar nada a cambio.


17 de julio de 2022

Domingo 16o del Tiempo Ordinario

“…Soy ministro de acuerdo con el plan que Dios me ha dado:  dar cumplimiento a la palabra de Dios.”    Colosenses 1:25

Todos somos llamados a evangelizar – a convertir a los individuos y a la sociedad por el poder divino del Evangelio.  Nuestra fe es más atractiva a los demás por nuestras obras que solo por nuestras palabras.  Puede que no seamos llamados para evangelizar como San Pablo, pero debemos buscar oportunidades para compartir nuestra fe a través de nuestras acciones y palabras, especialmente con aquellos que están más cerca de nosotros, como nuestra familia, amigos y vecinos.  Rece para tener el valor de expresar alegremente su fe la próxima vez que se presente la oportunidad.


24 de julio de 2022

Domingo 17o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá la puerta”     Lucas 11: 9

Jesús nos asegura que, si le pedimos, Dios se ocupará de nuestras necesidades.  El problema es que nuestra cultura a menudo confunde lo que realmente necesitamos y lo que simplemente queremos.  La verdad es que muchos de nosotros necesitamos muy poco.  Sin embargo, ¡usualmente queremos mucho más!  Corresponsabilidad es simplemente estar agradecido por todo lo que somos y por todo lo que se nos ha dado, y compartir generosamente con los demás todos los dones que Dios nos ha otorgado.   La generosidad es un don que abre puertas a nuevas relaciones con los demás y con Dios.


31 de julio de 2022

Domingo 18o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Estén atentos y cuídense de toda forma de avaricia; porque aun cuando alguien tenga abundancia, su vida no consiste en tener bienes”       Lucas 12:15

El mensaje del Evangelio es contrario a la cultura moderna que continuamente trata de convencernos de que nuestra alegría viene de los bienes materiales que poseemos.  Que mientras más cosas adquirimos, más felices seremos.  Jesús nos muestra que nuestra verdadera alegría viene de nuestros dones “invisibles” como el amor, la misericordia y el perdón.  La verdadera alegría viene de “vaciarnos” nosotros mismos, dando de nosotros en lugar de tomar.  No somos llamados a  atesorar sino a compartir.  La verdadera alegría viene de tener un estilo de vida agradecido y generoso; de transformarnos para estar más “centrados en Dios” y ser menos “egocéntricos”.


7 de agosto de 2022

Domingo 19o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Porque donde estén sus tesoros, allí estará su corazón»    Lucas 12:34

Jesús nos anima a construir nuestros tesoros en el cielo.  El  mundo nos anima a construir nuestros tesoros en bienes raíces, inversiones y bienes materiales.  ¿Cuánto tiempo invierte en construir su tesoro terrenal?  ¿Cuánto tiempo invierte en construir su tesoro celestial?  Para invertir más en las cosas del cielo, debe dejar ir algunas de las cosas de este mundo.   


14 de agosto de 2022

Domingo 20o del Tiempo Ordinario

“¿Creen ustedes que vine a traer paz a la tierra?   ¡No! Más bien vine a traer división”  
Lucas 12:51

A muchos de nosotros nos gusta ir a lo seguro, no causar problemas con nuestra familia y amigos, especialmente cuando se trata de política y religión.
No queremos causar ningún revuelo.  Sin embargo, muchas veces lo hacemos a expensas de la verdad.  Jesucristo es la verdad.  Demasiadas personas están equivocadas porque confían en su propia capacidad humana limitada para razonar y no permiten que la fe en Dios los guíe.
Forma tu conciencia; toma una postura a favor de la vida, el matrimonio y la libertad religiosa.


21 de agosto de 2022

Domingo 21o del Tiempo Ordinario

Entonces verán que los últimos serán los primeros, y los  primeros serán los últimos”   
Lucas 13:30

Nuestros estándares culturales son diferentes de los estándares de Dios.  A menudo clasificamos a las personas por lo que tienen, por cuán poderosas  o exitosas son.  Jesús nos recuerda que Dios no nos juzgará por los mismos estándares terrenales.  Cuándo Dios te pregunte, “¿Qué has hecho con los dones que yo te he dado?”  ¿Cómo le responderás?


28 de agosto de 2022

Domingo 22o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Lo mejor es que cuando des un banquete, invites a los pobres, a los inválidos, a los cojos y a los ciegos. Así serás dichoso, pues ellos no tienen con qué recompensarte”     Lucas 14:13-14

Uno de los principios más importantes de vivir un estilo de vida de corresponsabilidad es dar sin esperar nada a cambio.   Para algunos es difícil comprender la cultura de “consumismo” en la que vivimos. Esto es aún más difícil para muchas comunidades parroquiales que se han vuelto en gran manera dependientes de los eventos de recaudación de fondos para apoyar las misiones y ministerios de su parroquia local.  En términos generales, en una recaudación de fondos parroquiales, se paga dinero y se recibe algo a cambio, es solo una transacción financiera.  Esto se opone a nuestro ofertorio parroquial en la Santa Misa, donde unimos nuestro sacrificio con el de Jesús, renovando nuestra relación de alianza con Él.


4 de septiembre de 2022

Domingo 23o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todas sus posesiones no puede ser mi discípulo”    Lucas 14:33

Cuando oímos esta afirmación por primera vez, parece que Jesús nos está haciendo una demanda poco realista.  ¿Cómo podemos renunciar a todas nuestras posesiones?  Las necesitamos para vivir.  Sin embargo, a lo que debemos renunciar es a la creencia de que nos pertenecen.  Todo lo que tenemos le pertenece únicamente a Dios.  Todos esos recursos se nos confiaron no sólo para nuestro propio uso, sino también para que pudiéramos ayudar a los demás.  Al renunciar a la idea de que poseemos esos recursos o que tenemos derecho a algo, es mucho más fácil compartir los muchos dones que Dios nos ha dado.  Entonces, seremos realmente Sus Discípulos.


11 de septiembre de 2022

Domingo 24o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Todo lo que tengo es de ustedes”    Lucas 15:31

Nuestro Padre Celestial nos da todo, incluyendo el chance de compartir Su reino eterno.  Sin embargo, como el Hijo Pródigo, a menudo somos tentados a alejarnos por el materialismo de nuestra sociedad.   ¿Realmente queremos volverle la espalda a todo lo que Dios nos ofrece a cambio de riquezas materiales que no tienen un valor perdurable?  Dios también quiere que seamos felices en la tierra,  pero eso requiere que aceptemos libremente Su don de fe; poniéndolo a Él primero en todas las cosas y liberándonos de nuestra propia autosuficiencia.


18 de septiembre de 2022

Domingo 25o del Tiempo Ordinario

“Ningún siervo puede servir a dos señores.  Odiaría a uno y amaría al otro, o  será devoto de uno y menospreciará al otro. Usted no puede servir a Dios y a la riqueza”    Lucas 16:13

Jesús sabe que, para muchos de nosotros, Dios y el dinero corren “cabeza a cabeza” por la máxima prioridad.  ¿Es el dinero un “dios” que anteponemos a Dios?  Dar dinero para apoyar a la Iglesia y otras obras de caridad es un pilar de nuestra fe, tal como lo es asistir a la Misa todos los domingos y participar en los ministerios de la parroquia.  Donar dinero nos libera de convertirnos en esclavos del dinero.  Aumenta nuestra dependencia de Dios y nuestra confianza en que Dios proveerá todo lo que necesitamos.


25 de septiembre de 2022 

Domingo 26o del Tiempo Ordinario

  “Amigo, recuerda que durante tu vida terrena recibiste muchos bienes, y que Lázaro, en cambio, solamente recibió males. Pues bien, ahora él goza aquí de consuelo y a ti te toca sufrir. Más aun, entre nosotros y ustedes hay un abismo infranqueable …”.   Lucas 16:25-26

Cuando Dios creo el universo declaró lo que era bueno y se lo dio a la humanidad para que lo disfrutara.  Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años hemos creado un abismo entre los que recibieron grandes dones y los que no.  En el Evangelio de hoy vemos que con nuestra propia generosidad debemos cerrar la brecha  que permita unir a aquellos que tienen mucho  con los que tienen poco, o nos podremos encontrar en el lado equivocado del abismo en la próxima vida.

Pastoral and Educational Services
Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry (includes Bulletin materials)

1. August Gathering for RCIA Ministers

Please plan to join with others committed to the Rite of Christian Initiation and learn from the best practices of others. Sponsored by the Office of Worship, the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry and the Christian Initiation Committee of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, these evenings are designed for parish teams for ongoing enrichment. An invitation brochure will be sent soon, or call the office for more information.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022 St. Rose Parish, Girard
Wednesday, August 24, 2022 St. Paul Parish, North Canton
6:30 – 8:30 pm

2. August Day of Prayer and Preparation

All Parish Ministers serving Pastoral Ministry, Campus Ministry, Faith Formation, Young Adult Ministry and Youth Ministry are asked to save the date for the Day of Prayer and Preparation for the New Ministry Year. Invitations will be mailed for Wednesday, August 17, and Thursday, August 18, 2022.

3. Catechetical Sunday 2022

“This Is My Body Given for You” is the theme selected by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for Catechetical Sunday celebrated by all parishes across the country on Sunday, September 18, 2022. Resources for commissioning catechists, universal prayers, and other resources will be available at Additional resources for incorporating the theme throughout the new Ministry Year will also be posted at

4. Save the Date for Ministry Day 2022

On Saturday, October 8, 2022, at John F. Kennedy High School in Warren, all are invited to join together to pray, learn, and celebrate our unity. Please mark the date and keep the parish calendar free to encourage staff and volunteer ministers to attend. The keynote speaker, Father Ricky Manalo, CSP will inspire us on “The Eucharist and Synodality: Journeying Together as the Body of Christ.”

5. Pastors Seeking Parish Ministers

Pastors hoping to hire new or additional staff persons in the areas of adult faith formation, youth ministry, young adult ministry, children and family formation, pastoral ministry, and other key areas of parish life are asked to contact Barbara Walko for assistance. The office will provide assistance in posting available positions, screening applicants, preparation of a position description and compensation packages.

6. Identify Potential and Invite to Learn more

As we continue to encourage and support new lay ecclesial ministers to serve the diverse needs of our diverse parishes, it is essential that we share responsibility. There are many gifts present within the parish community that are sometimes waiting to be invited, and acknowledged. Identify people who are faithful to their stewardship of time and talent in parish ministry. Observe the leadership potential, and find out more about their current or previous employment. Often, there are some transferable skills we were not aware of. Parish ministers currently serving in our diocese have come from a wide variety of careers and positions, yet have been called to prepare for a much more fulfilling path in the work-life balance. Thank you for your outreach and assistance in discernment. The Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry is ready to help!

7. Ministry Preparation: Earn a Master of Arts degree locally

Look into LIMEX! Loyola University New Orleans offers degrees and certificates in Ministry and Theology in an Extension Program. We are still gathering a local learning group for 2022, and it’s not too late to enter the process. For additional information, contact Margie Hynes in the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, 330-744-8451 x296, or email

8. Resources to Implement Bishop Bonnar’s First Pastoral Letter

With Bishop Bonnar’s letter, “Testify to the Light” many parishes may embark on new or enhanced efforts in the five areas he has prioritized. The Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry has curated a list of resources which may be reviewed on the home page of Please feel free to contact the staff of the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry to borrow these and other resources to develop Faith Formation and Pastoral processes. The staff is anxious to help parishes design new initiatives to respond to the needs in the diverse church communities.

9. Books in the Library about the Eucharist

101 Questions & Answers on the Eucharist. Giles Dimock, OP. Paulist Press, 2006. 101 Questions and Answers on the Eucharist deals with transubstantiation, sacrifice, real presence, communion, intercommunion, and many more subjects, from a practical and ecumenical perspective. Conciliar and papal documentation are the author’s context for many of the responses and teaching on the Eucharist.

Being Claimed by the Eucharist We Celebrate: A Spiritual Narrative for Priests and Deacons. Fr. Scott P. Detisch. Liturgical Press, 2022. The eucharistic celebration is a vital part of the life and ministry of every priest and deacon. At the same time, the Eucharist is also a compelling narrative of all that Christ is for the people of God. In this book, Fr. Scott Detisch explores a spirituality of holy orders through the eucharistic actions of Christ: take, bless, break, and give. These are more than ritual actions the deacon or priest performs within the liturgy. As they did for Jesus Christ, these eucharistic words define who a priest or deacon is for God’s people.

Real Presence: What does it Mean and Why Does it Matter? Timothy P. O’Malley. Ave Maria Press, 2021. Timothy P. O’Malley clears up the confusion by explaining the biblical origins and long tradition of the Church’s doctrines of real presence and transubstantiation. He also explores the spiritual practices necessary to form us to recognize Christ in the Eucharist and to see the Lord in others.

The library has many periodicals such as: America Magazine, The Bible Today, Pastoral Liturgy, St. Anthony Messenger, US Catholic, and National Catholic Reporter available. The new editions may be read in the library, the archived issues may be checked out and taken home.

10. Spring and Summer Diocesan Certification Opportunities for Catechists and Teachers

A listing of the Diocesan Certification Opportunities for Catechists and Teachers Spring/Summer is available at Catechist Cafe. Core courses, general courses, parish-sponsored, college/university-hosted, and other regional organizations are included in the list of online and onsite sessions. Visit . CHECK THE PAGE OFTEN FOR LINKS TO FREE WEBINARS and ONLINE EVENTS FROM CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND PUBLISHERS.

11. Best kept secret: Library

What’s the best kept secret in the Youngstown diocese? Our expansive library of materials to enrich your faith. We have books, DVDs and audio books about bereavement support, bible study, devotionals and prayer. Explore our collection online at or visit us in person, 225 Elm St., Youngstown, Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact Margie Hynes for more information 330-744-8451,


Catholic Diocese Library

You are welcome to visit the library at the diocesan offices located at 225 Elm St., Youngstown. We have a large collection of books that cover a wide variety of topics, including: bereavement support, catholic social teaching, liturgy and worship, prayer, and saints just to name a few. If you need a book on grandparenting, seasonal devotions, bible study, or Church documents, we have what you need.  We also have a collection of children’s books, DVDs, and audio books. 

The visitor parking lot is at the corner of Elm Street and Rayen Avenue.

The Library is open 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday. You are always welcome to stop by and look around or you can view our collection online at Contact Margie Hynes (330) 744-8451, for more information.

Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life (includes Bulletin materials)

1. Walking with Moms in Need – Meetings set for Mahoning & Stark Counties

Towards the end of March, Bishop Bonnar wrote to all pastors and associate pastors encouraging the implementation of Walking with Moms in Need in their parishes. This initiative from the USCCB is to help parishes come alongside and accompany pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties.
The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life is already piloting Walking with Moms in Need in the Eastern Stark County Region of our diocese and would be happy to help establish this important effort in other parishes, regions or deaneries. Interest has been shown in Mahoning and Stark Counties so the following meetings have been set and are open to anyone interested in helping moms in need make life-affirming decisions:

– Thursday, July 7, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Christine Parish, Youngstown (3165 S. Schenley Ave) in the Parish Center.

– Tuesday, July 12, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Michael Parish, Canton (3430 St. Michael Blvd., NW) in the St. Michael Room in the lower level of the Church building.

For more information contact Dave Schmidt at or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.


2. Into Life – Love Changes Everything

Into Life – Love Changes Everything is a 12-part original series on accompanying a woman into life. The Sisters of Life and the McGrath Institute for Church Life teamed up with CampCampo Films to create an original 12-part video series based on the work of the Sisters serving women who are pregnant. Journey with the Sisters of Life as they explain what it means to walk with a woman who is pregnant and vulnerable. Learn what it means to deeply listen to and understand the heart of another, how to rejoice in the beauty of the individual person, and what it means to truly accompany someone into God’s life and freedom.
Into Life can be instrumental in establishing Walking with Moms in Need throughout the Diocese of Youngstown (see above) by training those who seek to assist moms in need make life-affirming decisions. Arrangements are being made to present the Into Life series this fall in the Alliance area. For more information contact Dave Schmidt at 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or or go to



3. World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly – July 24

On Sunday, July 24, 2022, the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church. The theme chosen by the Holy Father is “In old age they will still bear fruit” (Psalm 92:15) and emphasizes how grandparents and the elderly are a gift both to society and the Church. This year, Pope Francis is also extending the opportunity for a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devote adequate time to visit, in person or virtually, their elderly brothers and sisters on July 24. For more information go to or


Flyer: World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Note to Priests, Deacons, and Parish Ministers: Resources may be found at including pastoral guidelines that contain information on the plenary indulgence as well as liturgy notes including suggestions for the prayer of the faithful and final blessing.



4. Natural Family Planning: Called to the Joy of Love!

July 24 – 30 is Natural Family Planning Awareness week and this year’s theme is “Called to the Joy of Love!” Modern methods of Natural Family Planning are scientifically researched and based on the observation of naturally occurring signs and symptoms of fertility during a woman’s menstrual cycle. NFP reflects the God-given dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. To learn more, go to or contact or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.


Flyer: NFP Week 2022


Note to ministry leaders: Resources to explain and promote this important teaching of the Church may be found at, or contact or 330-744-8451 ext.272.


5. Regional Respect Life Meetings:

The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life has scheduled regional meetings for members of parish respect life groups and individuals involved in any pro-life ministry. Three regional meetings will take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on:

– Monday, August 8 at Little Flower Parish, Canton (2040 Diamond St. NE) in the Double Classroom in the Parish Center, across the parking lot from the Church building.

– Wednesday, August 10 at St. Michael Parish, Canfield (300 N. Broad St.) upstairs in the Social Hall, which is on the south side of the church building.

– Tuesday, August 16 at St. Thomas the Apostle, Vienna (4453 Warren-Sharon Rd.) in the Parish Center.

In addition, there is the possibility of attending a “virtual” meeting via Zoom on Thursday, August 11, at 1:00 p.m. or another date and time may be negotiated. Reservations must be made for the virtual meeting. To RSVP or for more information contact 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or


6. Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day

The next diocesan-sponsored one-day marriage preparation retreat days for engaged couples will be held Saturdays, August 20 and October 22 in the social hall at St. Columba Cathedral. Reservations are required. Registration information may be found at; go to the “Ministries” drop-down menu and press on “Pro-Life, Marriage & Family Life.”

For more information on this, and other opportunities for marriage preparation formation, contact or 330-744-8451, ext.272.



7. Eleventh Annual Faith & Family Festival – Save the Date: September 25

A day of fun and fulfillment for families, students and friends will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2022, on the West Quad of the campus of Walsh University at 2020 E. Maple St., North Canton. The day will begin at 11:00 a.m. with Mass with Bishop Bonnar. Our featured presenter is Fr. Leo Patalinghug “the cooking priest” from Plating Grace. The day will also include musical acts, activities for kids and young people, vendors and exhibitors, and food. For more information contact or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.



8. Project Rachel Outreach – July Message for Bulletin/Newsletter:
Do you need freedom from the heartache of an abortion? God’s mercy offers release from the bonds of regret. There is Hope and Healing available. For CONFIDENTIAL help text or call Project Rachel of Northeast Ohio at 330-360-0430 or go to


9. Intercessions for Life and Pro-Life Bulletin Briefs

Recommended intercessions and bulletin briefs for July, prepared by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, may be found at

Office of Worship (includes Bulletin/Publicity Materials)

1. Bulletin Resources / Reminders about Reception of Holy Communion

In light of returning the practice of offering the Chalice to the faithful during the distribution of Holy Communion and the Eucharistic Revival, the Office of Worship Office has re-released a series of bulletin inserts on the Reception of Holy Communion that were produced from the Office of Worship a few years ago.
They contain some helpful reminders about the “basics” of receiving Holy Communion including the gesture of reverence, the proper way to receive the host and chalice, and our response.
Additional information about the Eucharistic Revival can be found at

2. Sacred Music Conference – Atheneaum of Ohio

The Sacred Music Institute at Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Cincinnati will offer a three-day conference entitled “Sung Worship: the Work of Our Baptism”  on July 20-23, 2022.  The conference will focus on the meaning of sung worship, the element of sacrifice in the Mass, and the notion of active participation in the liturgy as the vocation of the baptized.  For more information:


3. Displaying of Flags in Catholic Churches (from the USCCB website)

There are no specific regulations governing the display of flags in Roman Catholic Churches.  Neither the Code of Canon Law, nor liturgical books of the Roman rite comment on this practice.  As a result, the question of whether and how to display the American flag in church is left to the judgment of the diocesan bishop, who in turn often delegates this to the discretion of the pastor.  The Bishop’s Committee on Divine Worship encourages that the American flag not be placed within the sanctuary itself, in order to reserve that space for the altar, ambo, presidential chair and tabernacle.  Instead, the suggestion is made that the American flag be placed outside the sanctuary, or in the vestibule along with a book of prayer requests


4. Low Gluten Hosts

It is important for pastors to make every effort to accommodate and normalize the experience of Holy Communion for the faithful, including those suffering from celiac disease.  Canon 912 states, “any baptized person not prohibited by law can and must be admitted to Holy Communion.”  In the United States there are four approved distributors of low-gluten hosts known to the USCCB – Secretariat of Divine Worship:

            Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration               Parish Crossroads

            31970 State Highway P                                              P.O. Box 84

            Clyde, MO 64432-8100                                        Zionsville, IN 46077-0084

            800-223-2772                                                              800-510-8842


            Gluten Content: 0.01%                                             Gluten Content: 0.016%


   Inc.                                          Cavanagh Company

            100 Buckley Road                                                      610 Putnam Pike

            Liverpool, NY 13088                                                  Greenville, RI 02828

            800-668-7324                                                              800-635-0568


            Gluten Content: 0.002%                                      Gluten Content: 0.00042%


5. Liturgical Directory

The Liturgical Directory contains valuable information about Liturgy Committees; liturgical minister formation guidelines; guidelines for the celebration of sacraments; music in liturgical celebrations; and art and architecture directives.  The directory can be accessed and downloaded from the diocesan website by clicking on “Worship” under the “Ministries” tab.

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

1. Planning

Fr. Ryan Furlong continues to work with youth and young adult ministers to plan events for the upcoming year, including Praise and adoration nights, and youth retreats.  If you are not on his email list, please contact 


2. Visiting Brothers: Lectures at St. Dominic Church 

The Dominican Brothers visiting from Washington D.C. will be giving lectures on Monday nights during June and July at St. Dominic Church. Each lecture is at 7pm in the Parish Hall.


3. Youth Festivals  

The Office of Youth and young adult ministry is looking to plan 4 small youth festivals over the course of this year July 2022-July 2023, stay tuned for more details.


4. Ministry Day

Ministry Day is October 8 at JFK High School. The theme this year will be the Eucharist. There will be several speakers discussing youth and young adult ministry and connecting it to the Eucharist

Diocesan Cemeteries (Bulletins/Publicity)

Flyer: Divine Mercy Chaplet at Cemeteries
(or see text below)

Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of the Diocese of Youngstown will be offering The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayer Service in the chapels of our 4 Cemeteries at 3:00 every Friday at alternating locations.

First Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Youngstown.

Second Friday of the month at Resurrection Cemetery Chapel in Austintown.

Third Friday of the month at All Souls Cemetery Chapel in Cortland.

Fourth Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Massillon.



The first Wednesday of the month at 10am, June through September will feature a Rosary Walk led by The Oblate Sisters at Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown, and The Congregation of the Divine Spirit at Calvary Cemetery in Massillon.  All are welcome. Call 330 792-4721 for more information.


Mahoning County | Talk on Eucharistic Devotion 7/24 at 7pm

“In the City of our God”

What is eucharistic devotion and why does it matter?

Sunday, July 24th, 2022, 7:00pm

St. Nicholas Parish in Struthers, Ohio

Dr. Ben Safranski will speak about why the eucharist is the center of our Church and why it should be the center of our lives. Talk at 7 p.m. followed by cookies and fellowship.

Portage Parishes and Miscellaneous (Bulletins/Publicity)



July 15th – 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
July 16th 1 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
July 17th – Noon to 10 p.m.

Largest 3-day Fair in Northern Portage County
Family Fun • Delicious Food • Beer Garden
Friday Fireworks • Saturday 5K Walk/Run
Rides • Games • Contests • Cash Prizes • Giveaways
Sunday Blessing of Bikes • Karaoke Sunday Night
Live Bands at Main Stage, Beer Garden & Talent Stage
Ox Roast Sandwiches & Sundaes • Casino & Instant Bingo Games
Semi Truck, 4WD Pick-Up & Tractor Pulls
Not Your Typical Church Festival!!!

Located on St. Joseph Blvd. off Pioneer Trail, West of S.R. 44
South of S.R. 82 just North of Mantua Village
Accessible from Alt. 422 or Ohio Turnpike Exit 193

For More Info., call 330-274-2253,
or Find Us On Facebook!

Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage | Basilica/Shrine in Carey, Ohio (Bulletins/Publicity)


Diocese of Youngstown 35th Annual Pilgrimage
The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation
Carey, Ohio


Day of Prayer for Vocations & Religious Life
Reverend Msgr. Michael Cariglio, Spiritual Director

Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Cost: $35 per person
Lunch Options: Bring Your Own Brown Bag Lunch or


Please call 330-744-8451 ext. 252 for more information

Departing from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica, Youngstown at 6:00 A.M.

In Memoriam | Necrology for July


Rev. Joseph Palermo                          July 3, 1979

Rev. Michael Coan                               July 4, 1946

Rev. Paul J. Sikora                              July 5, 1944

Rev. William E. Martin                      July 6, 1966

Deacon John F. Carney                      July 7, 1917

Rev. Walter P. Alger, OP                    July 9, 1984

Rev. Edward Goodwin                       July 10, 1947

Rev. Aloysius J. Rzendarski              July 10, 1978

Rev. Sylvan Laszlo, OFM                   July 10, 1987

Rev. Ignatius J. Piotrowski               July 15, 1957

Rev. Joseph Petsche                             July 18, 1944

Rev. Adolph J. Bernas                         July 19, 1979

Rev. Regis Heuschkel, O.P.                July 19, 1917

Deacon Felipe Colon                           July 20, 2005

Rev. Joseph C. Pino, OP                     July 21, 1958

Rev. Anthony M. Bachowski             July 21, 1987

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph Galganski     July 22, 1992

Rev. Sylvester Hartman, CPPS        July 23, 1953

Rev. Henry R. Lileas                           July 23, 1984

Rev. Kevin L. Fete                                July 23, 2006

Rev. Anthony T. Chenevey                July 23, 2013

Rev. Andrew A. Crehan                      July 24, 1964

Rev. Msgr. Lawrence C. Fye             July 25, 2009

Rev. Sylvester Kaminski                    July 26, 2003

Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Murphy      July 26, 1967

Deacon Edward Hawkins                 July 27, 2019

Rev. Allen M. Simpson                       July 28, 1968

Rev. Clement Stopka, OCD               July 28, 1980

Rev. Lawrence Biro, OFM                July 29, 1946

Rev. William D. Moriarty, OP         July 29, 1990

Rev. Otto Brachman, CPPS              July 30, 1964

Rev. John F. Behan, OP                     July 30, 1952

Rev. Fred C. Nachtigal                      July 30, 2005

Rev. Francis A. Fox, OP                    July 31, 1954

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