Director of Music Ministry | Christ the Servant Parish (Canton)

Christ the Servant (est. 2011) is a parish merged from St. Paul and Our Lady of Peace, in Canton, OH. All liturgies are held at Our Lady of Peace Church. It has about 800 families with 3 weekend Masses currently. There is a school with about 210 students, mostly non-Catholic, with a school Mass every Wednesday. There are plans currently for a shared pastor between Christ the Servant and Little Flower. Options have been discussed as to adjusting numbers and times of Masses depending on the availability of a parochial vicar and/or a senior priest in residence. The parish has been known for excellent music and great participatory singing, with an emphasis on praise and worship music, though the past 2 years has seen an expansion in all Catholic musical genres. For a number of years, the parish has not used hymnals, using instead projectors and screens with all lyrics. A husband-and-wife liturgical assistance time faithfully takes care of these at all celebrations. A new Boston piano was purchased this past spring and a new sound system will be installed in the next few months. Mass is live-streamed weekly on our YouTube channel.


  • Plan and coordinate liturgical music for all weekend, Holy Day, holiday, and parish liturgical events: including but not limited to First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation
  • Provide for accompaniment, musical direction, and cantors at all weekend Masses and large parish liturgical events (or arrange for these from others)
  • Schedule musicians for these celebrations (including subs when directors are absent)
  • Coordinate music for weddings and funerals at the parish. Directors will be the first point of contact for all weddings and funerals; and then can arrange for special requests of musicians.
  • Direct choir and musician rehearsals (including the 3 current ensembles for the weekend Masses and the funeral choir)
  • Provide for the liturgical and spiritual formation of music ministers
  • Care and maintain all music, instrument, and sound equipment
  • Oversee and organize the music area in the sanctuary and the music ministry storage space in the sacristy in coordination with the pastor
  • Work with their parish assigned budget for the fiscal year (includes annual music/hymnal licenses and music and equipment purchase) Anything out of the norm needs pre-approval of pastor.
  • Other musical and liturgical ministry as agreed with and assigned by pastor
  • Musical and liturgical assistant for school Masses
  • Director receives 4 paid weekends off for vacation, illness, or personal
  • Oversight of the Assistant Liturgical Coordinator: Timely providing of lyrics and song selections for screens and binders, “scripts” or program for only once a year events, etc.
  • Parish will pay for membership in National Association of Pastoral Musicians


-Salary range is $43-54K, depending on experience, education, and benefits needs

$120 each funeral, wedding fees set in conjunction with parish

Please contact the pastor, Fr. Scott Kopp, to enquire or apply.         330-492-0757   


All applicants for employment in the Diocese must pass a background check and complete Child Protection Certification per our Safe Environment Guidelines.

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