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Mass for Life with Bishop Bonnar
Church Overseas Combined CollectionYearly
Warm Hearts for Warm Homes | Poverty Awareness MonthYearly
Week of Prayer for Christian UnityYearly

Diocese of Youngstown Announces 2025 Jubilee Opening Mass
Bishop David Bonnar will celebrate on the Feast of the Holy Family on December 29

El Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Youngstown ofrece dos eventos en diciembre
La Misa y la Cena de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se llevarán a cabo el 12 de diciembre y la segunda Posada Diocesana el 21 de diciembre.

Diocese of Youngstown offers two Hispanic Ministry events in December
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and Dinner will be held on December 12 & the second diocesan Las Posadas on December 21

Clergy Official | December 19, 2024
The following Clergy Assignments are effective January 1, 2025

Official Decree | November 22, 2024
The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown is announcing the merger of Saint Mary Parish (Orwell) and Sacred Heart Parish (Rock Creek).

Official Decree | November 22, 2024
The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown is announcing the merger of Saint Columba Cathedral Parish, Saint Edward Parish and Holy Apostles Parish.
We are people of God in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. Blessed with a rich variety of backgrounds and talents, we are a living reflection of the Universal Church.
Through our baptism, we continue Christ’s mission to further the kingdom of God through the human family.
We share our living faith by proclaiming the Gospel in word and example. Together we celebrate Christ’s presence in worship and sacraments.
In a spirit of justice, mercy and love, we dedicate ourselves not only to minister to the people in the six counties of northeastern Ohio but also to minister to the world community.
The Most Rev. Bishop David J. Bonnar is the Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown. He was installed on January 12, 2021. His episcopal motto is “That All May Be One.” Shortly after his ordination and installation as Bishop of Youngstown, he released a Pastoral Letter, Testify to the Light, offering five priorities for the diocesan Church’s journey together.

The Catholic Echo is the official media group of the Diocese of Youngstown.