- Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
- Music Ministry
- Office of Peace and Justice | Prison & Jail Ministry | Pro-Life Advocacy
- Permanent Diaconate
- Propagation of the Faith and Missions
- Vocations
- Vowed Religious
- Office of Rural Life and Ministry
- Office of Worship
- Office of Youth and Young Adult Accompaniment
Learn more About Our mINISTRIES
Office of the Vicar General
The Vicar General is the primary contact for diocesan personnel and policy. Msgr. John Zuraw serves as moderator of the Curia, appointed to oversee the management of the diocesan offices.

Office of the Chancellor
The official record keeper manages and reports official diocesan statistics and collections.
Communications Department
Amplifies the voice, plans and priorities of the diocese through press releases, multimedia content, social media, print magazine, podcasts, Cathedral filming, and website management.
Diocesan Archives | Curator of the Patrimony
Collects, preserves and makes available the permanent and official records of the diocese–its people, parishes, churches, institutions and association—including after church closures.
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
By praying, studying and working together with the leadership and people of non-Catholic communities, we increase unity among all people of faith.
Rural Life and Ministry
Collaborates with county farm bureaus and fair boards to identify and serve spiritual and social justice needs in rural communities.
Safe Environment | Child Protection
Promotes safety, healing and justice by coordinating compliance with training and background checks of staff and volunteers at all diocesan entities, investigating claims of abuse, and providing assistance to victims.
Canonical Services
Office of Conciliation | Matrimonial Dispensations | Tribunal | Appellate Section of the Tribunal
Led by the Judicial Vicar, this department oversees matrimonial permissions, dispensations, invalidity, and conciliation; clergy applications for dispensations from the obligations of Holy Orders from the Holy See; and other matters of Canon Law.
Office of Marriage & Family Life
The Office of Canonical Services is responsible for the policy and coordination of marriage preparation opportunities and anniversary celebrations in the Diocese of Youngstown. Please contact your parish six months before the prospective wedding date to begin preparation.
Clergy & Religious Services
Office of Clergy & Religious Services | Continuing Formation of Clergy | Priest Personnel
Responsible for all matters pertaining to clergy and vowed religious including assignments, retirements, serving outside the diocese, leave of absences, sick leave, attending to the needs of senior priests, and processes of incardination or excardination.
God continues to call men and women of all walks of life to accept His invitation to lovingly serve the Church and His People in many different ways. Contact this office to explore how God could be inviting you.
Permanent Diaconate
Supports Permanent Deacons in their active involvement in community, in their outreach to the poor and the marginalized, and in their fostering of the Eucharistic communion of the Church, to sacramentalize the Church’s service.
Vowed Religious
The primary point of contact for Vowed Religious serving in the Diocese of Youngstown. Consecrated Life is to mirror Christ’s way of life, which is a rich manifestation of Gospel values.
Pastoral and Educational Services
Office of Catholic Schools
Provides leadership, support, and supervision for our 25 Catholic schools and seven Early Childhood Centers to be an integral, viable element of the diocesan mission of education.
Office of Faith Formation & Lay Ecclesial Ministry
Provides resources, consultation, networking for catechists, recruitment, and oversight for lay ecclesial ministers in all areas of parish life.
Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
Supports efforts towards the inclusion of all people in sacramental preparation, liturgical ministries, and community building.
Diocesan Library
Offers books, DVDs and audio books about bereavement support, bible study, devotionals and prayer.
Ministerio Hispano
Supports Hispanic/Latino Catholics in the Diocese, providing information and Masses in Spanish and events focused on Hispanic/Latino life and culture.
Office of Youth & Young Adult Accompaniment
Strives to form disciples for Jesus Christ through a ministry of presence, programs, and missionary service.
Campus Ministry
Serves various Catholic, private, and state colleges and universities through providing opportunities for worship, service, spiritual formation, and education.
Office of Worship
Enables the People of God to better celebrate the presence of Christ in worship and sacraments. Coordinates ordination ceremonies and other special liturgies at St. Columba Cathedral.
Music Ministry
The goal of the musical branch of the Office of Worship is to provide any and all musical support to priests, parishes, and music directors in the diocese.
Development & Stewardship
Annual Diocesan Appeal
Continues to provide resources for Catholic Charities outreach and support the faith of all parishioners through our many diocesan ministries.
Diocese of Youngstown Foundation
Advances Christian stewardship by promoting legacy gift opportunities and by offering prudent financial practices that together provide funding for the long-term needs of the diocese.
Propagation of the Faith and Missions
Encourages all Catholics to join in the Church’s mission to bring Christ to all nations (ad gentes) and by witness to the Gospel to bring all nations together as one People of God. We encourage membership and participation in the Pontifical Mission Societies.
Financial Services
Responsible for the financial and administrative services and operations of the diocese, including the central offices, parishes and institutions.

Information Technology
Ensures the security and integrity of digital information including administering accounts, servers, and hardware for diocesan offices.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown
Through tangible assistance and other essential services, Catholic Charities extend the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are poor, vulnerable, and without hope. Serves as the point of contact for Catholic health care centers and St. Vincent dePaul Societies.
Office of Peace and Justice | Prison and Jail Ministry | Pro-Life Advocacy
Serves as the point of contact for ministry with incarcerated people, pro-life ministry, Catholic Relief Services, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services
Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of the Diocese of Youngstown (CFCS) is a charitable organization founded in faith and dedicated to providing education, support and professional services. We have four convenient locations throughout the Diocese of Youngstown.
Social Services