Diocesan Pastoral Associates

Called to Serve in Collaboration

Diocesan Pastoral Associates are trained lay people appointed by the Bishop to parish leadership. They are authorized to collaborate closely with pastors to provide administrative and pastoral care, while allowing our clergy to focus on their unique call to offer the sacraments.

The Diocese of Youngstown currently has five Diocesan Pastoral Associates.

The Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry collaborates with multiple departments to provide a thorough discernment process for prospective Diocesan Pastoral Associates. Those called to this ministry have typically already served for years as a director of religious education, parish pastoral associate, or another form of pastoral ministry. God is always calling lay ministers to serve God’s people.

If you have ever wondered about becoming prepared for a parish ministry position, please contact Barbara Walko at bwalko@youngstowndiocese.org for assistance in discerning academic and experiential qualifications with a possible path toward meaningful and life giving discipleship, or call the office at (330) 744-8451 x297.


Benedetti-Dike, Mrs. Amy

Mrs. Amy Benedetti-Dike abenedetti@youngstowndiocese.org appointed to Regina Coeli Parish (Alliance), St. Joseph Parish (Alliance), St. Joseph Parish (Maximo), and St. Ann Parish (Sebring).

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Perkoski, Mr. Nicholas

Mr. Nicholas Perkoski nperkoski@youngstowndiocese.org appointed to Corpus Christi Parish (Conneaut), Our Lady of Peace Parish (Ashtabula), St. Andrew Bobola Parish (Kingsville), and Assumption Parish (Geneva).

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Wood, Deacon Greg

Deacon Greg Wood gwood@youngstowndiocese.org appointed to Regina Coeli Parish (Alliance), St. Joseph Parish (Alliance), St. Joseph Parish (Maximo), and St. Ann Parish (Sebring).

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