Diocesan Communications Collection
January 6-7, 2024
The Catholic Diocese of Youngstown was established on May 15, 1943, and was canonically erected on July 22, 1943. Located in Northeast Ohio, the diocese includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull. This area totals 3,404 square miles.
Give generously to your local parish specifying the “Diocesan Communications Collection” or give online any time.
We dare to believe that the light of Christ shines in each one of us, and that we can be a witness to others. Our new diocesan Communications initiatives will shine a light on the good news of our Catholic community in every county of our diocese. Your gift will help us to reach out to younger Catholics, inspire those who are searching for good news, and support critical services to the homebound.
Thank you for your support.
Our Mission
is to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
We seek to echo the Catholic faith in the six counties of the Diocese of Youngstown. We amplify the voice, plans and priorities of the diocese by utilizing multimedia and a wide range of communication strategies. We proclaim the Gospel, build up the Body of Christ, practice authentic dialogue and support the work of the Church, in a spirit of truth, transparency and consistency.
The Catholic Echo
The Catholic Echo is a multi-platform publication and media group that brings together our diocesan publication and the Catholic Telecommunications Network of Youngstown (CTNY). In print, The Catholic Echo magazine debuted in May 2023 and is published ten times per year. It succeeds and builds upon the 79-year history of The Catholic Exponent.
The Catholic Echo is sent to every registered parishioner in the Diocese of Youngstown, tripling our previous circulation. This is at no direct cost to parishioners. One way you, personally, can support The Catholic Echo is to respond, as you are able, to the annual Diocesan Communications Collection.
This year the collection will be held on January 6-7, 2024.
Media Website
The Catholic Echo’s comprehensive website debuted in February 2023, allowing for continuous coverage. This digital platform is the place to go for ongoing news and updates from around the diocese. In the future, an email newsletter will send news features directly to subscribers who opt-in to receive email updates.
Continuing the Legacy of CTNY
The Catholic Television Network of Youngstown (CTNY) has a forty-year history, and its use of radio and cable TV was groundbreaking. While our focus is to use our resources to create multimedia content for a digital audience of all six counties in our diocese, our hope is to maintain our local cable television presence for those who rely on it, working with cable companies, the Society of St. Paul in Canfield and national content provider CatholicTV.
The Catholic Echo website is the digital hub for our multimedia offerings, including our televised Mass, livestream events, radio program Wineskins, and the NEW Catholic Echo podcast. We are developing new multimedia programming supported by our new streamlined social media studio in the diocesan offices in Youngstown, which replaced the CTNY studios in Canfield.
Social Media
Michael Houy, our diocesan social media minister, not only creates engaging content online, but also accompanies those who interact with our social media channels. Through our social media, we are able to reach more people, in a more regular and interactive way than traditional media.
Stay Connected
Services to Parishes & Diocesan Offices
The Communications Department is available to consult on news releases regarding events and initiatives. Communications Director Fr. John-Michael Lavelle and Public Relations Specialist Dennis Biviano respond to both planned initiatives and strategic communications. In addition to sharing timely press releases, official announcements, and Bishop Bonnar’s messages, the department shares information through the monthly Communique, biweekly DOY Central Staff Circular, developing print materials, and updating DOY.org pages for Diocesan offices.
Diocesan offices and parishes can contact our office for more details about the support services we can offer for your events, campaigns, and outreach efforts.
Ways to Give

The most important way to help our diocesan communications efforts is to ask God to bless and provide for our Church and world. Please also pray for the success of the collection and know that parishioners and community members across the Diocese of Youngstown will benefit from this collection.
Give generously for the second collection at your local parish or give online any time.
Below are three bulletin announcements that can be used to announce our new “Diocesan Communications Collection.”
Thank you to those parishes who were able to add the “Diocesan Communications Collection” (January 7/8) in their regular envelopes. The diocese will provide envelopes to the rest.
Please also include these new collections in your parish online giving selections, and please note the diocesan giving page in each recommended bulletin announcement below. A flyer is also provided.
Weekend of December 31/January 1 (or earlier):
Diocesan Communications Collection: Epiphany Weekend
In the Christmas Season, we are called to share the good news of Jesus who is made known in our faith community. One way we can do this is by supporting the “Diocesan Communications Collection” on January 7 and 8, the Solemnity of the Epiphany. This collection supports the new initiatives of the Diocese of Youngstown’s Communications Office, including The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – along with a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. Your gift will help us to reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. Thank you for your gift on January 8, or online through your parish’s e-giving, or at doy.org/communications-collection/.
Weekend of January 7/8, 2023:
Diocesan Communications Collection: Epiphany Weekend
On this celebration of Christ’s Epiphany, we dare to believe that the light of Christ shines in each one of us. Our new diocesan Communications initiatives will shine a light on the good news of our Catholic community in every county of our diocese, through The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – and a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. Our diocesan Communications Department also provides necessary publicity and information services to parishes and diocesan offices. Your gift will help us to reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. Thank you for your gift in today’s second collection, online through your parish’s e-giving, or at doy.org/communications-collection/.
After January 7/8, 2023:
Diocesan Communications Collection: Gratitude
Many thanks to those who already supported this year’s Diocesan Communications Collection on January 7 and 8. Your gift will help us spread the good news of our Catholic community in every county of our diocese, through The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – and a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. As we celebrate the “Sunday of the Word of God” on January 21 and 22, please pray for our communications ministries, and all who echo God’s word in liturgical, catechesis and service ministries. Please know that your contributions will help us reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. If you are able, you can still give to our Diocesan Communications Collection online at doy.org/communications-collection/.