Cecilia Project Study Day
The Diocese of Youngstown Cecilia Project will have its introductory study day on December 15th at 2pm in the Parish Hall of the Cathedral of St. Columba. If you have enrolled in the Project, you will be getting an email with this information as well. Please email Ralph Holtzhauser at rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org if you know of any other students that might be interested or have any questions regarding the program.
The Diocese of Youngstown is pleased to bring back the Cecilia Project! A brochure and letter have been mailed to all parishes with details, or you can download the brochure from the Office of Worship webpage: https://doy.org/ministries/worship/ The age range has been opened on the upper end. Qualified teachers with a lot of experience will be teaching piano, organ, and voice. This is perfect for beginners or those who would like a refresher. Please contact Fr. Balash at mbalash@youngstowndiocese.org or Ralph Holtzhauser at rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org if you would be interested in being involved!