Eucharistic Adoration at Saint Michael Parish (Canfield)
Eucharistic Adoration is Available
Saint Michael Parish, Canfield
Wednesdays 8:20am – 9:00am
“It is good to adore in silence before the Most Blessed Sacrament, to be in the consoling presence of Jesus and there to draw the apostolic impetus to be instruments of goodness, tenderness and welcome in the community, the Church, and the world.”
Jesus Christ is with us, and He will bring us through all obstacles and crosses.
How is he present to us? The source and summit of our faith, our foundation, and are unity as Catholics is in the Holy Eucharist. When we come together at Mass, we receive God made man, so that we might become like God, as St. Athanasius said.
One of the aims of this Eucharistic Revival is to invite people to experience in a whole new way, the reality of Jesus in their lives. This reality can only be fully realized by having a relationship with Jesus.
Wherever we are in our faith journey, whatever background in our relationship with Christ, it is never too late to learn more and to grow in our understanding and appreciation in the power of the Sacraments of the Church. We believe as Catholics, that in the Eucharist dwells the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. What a tremendous gift we all share, that we can receive the real presence of Christ at every Mass. Now is the time to become closer to Jesus!
Fr. Ryan Furlong’s reflection on the Eucharist, August 2023