Very Rev. John-Michael Lavelle, Vicar for Missionary Discipleship, appointed Director of Stewardship and Development


September 2, 2022

MORE INFO: Justin Huyck, Director of Communications, (330) 744-8451, ext. 320,

The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, has appointed the Very Rev. John-Michael Lavelle, D.Min., as Director of Stewardship and Development, effective September 1, 2022, in addition to his responsibilities as Vicar for Missionary Discipleship and Pastor of St. Michael Parish in Canfield. The appointment aligns the Office of Stewardship and Development within the Department of Missionary Discipleship.

Father Lavelle comments, “I am grateful for the confidence Bishop Bonnar has demonstrated in appointing me to the role of Director of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Youngstown. While the phrase ‘time, talent, and treasure’ has long been part of our Catholic vocabulary, it is essential that we embrace a deeper understanding of how all three must be woven together as we develop into faith-filled missionary disciples. I believe this new role, coupled with the role of Vicar for Missionary Discipleship, will provide a wonderful opportunity to expand both in a united direction for the future of our diocesan Church.”

Under Father Lavelle’s direction, the Office of Stewardship and Development will continue to develop and direct the Annual Diocesan Appeal: One in Hope, One in Mission, as well as the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation. Additionally, with the assistance of a Fund Development Specialist to be added to the staff in the coming weeks, the office will coordinate donation and grant opportunities for the diocese, parishes, and schools. The office will also serve as a resource in directing parishes and schools to obtain assistance in conducting various fundraising campaigns. Most especially, the office will serve as a resource for creating a greater sense of faithful stewardship throughout the diocesan Church, building on what already exists in many of our parish communities.

Father Lavelle was appointed Vicar for Missionary Discipleship in 2021, and currently serves on the Diocesan Administrative Board, Diocesan Presbyteral Council, the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation, and the Catholic Charities Regional Agency Board. Father Lavelle had been appointed as Interim Director of the Annual Diocesan Appeal in 2022, and previously served as Pastoral Director of CTNY (the Catholic Television Network of Youngstown), Director of the Diocesan Bishop’s Appeal (which is now the Annual Diocesan Appeal: One in Hope, One in Mission), Director of Advancement for Diocese of Youngstown Catholic Charities, and Director of Faith Formation at John F. Kennedy Catholic School in Warren. He was ordained in 2000 and has served as pastor at Immaculate Conception Parish, Ravenna, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Niles, and as Associate Pastor at Saint Mary Parish, Massillon, and Saint Christine Parish, Youngstown.

Father Lavelle holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Youngstown State University, Master’s Degrees in both Divinity and Religious Education from Saint Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, and a Doctorate in Ministry from Saint Mary Seminary, Cleveland, writing his dissertation on “The Development of a Model of Catholic Stewardship in the Physical, Spiritual, and Ministerial Revitalization of a Parish Community.”

Bishop Bonnar comments, “Father Jack Lavelle is a dynamic priest with a heart for mission and a mind for the Church. Father Lavelle’s passion for loving people and providing for their spiritual needs is infectious. He has a gift for making people and places better. It also helps that Father Lavelle is well respected by his brother priests. He is a motivating voice. I am so grateful that he is accepting this charge.”

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