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Letters of Suitability Required

Please note that no priest or deacon may exercise ministry within the Diocese of Youngstown without being granted faculties/permission by the bishop.  It is the obligation of the pastor of the parish where ministry or speaking engagement will occur (or other responsible person outside a parish setting) to ensure that the visiting cleric has obtained a letter of suitability.  Without such a letter, the Diocese, the parish or school and the pastor or president could become legally liable should any wrongdoing occur. 

The visiting cleric himself should ask his bishop or religious superior to send a letter of suitability to Bishop Bonnar.  Letters of suitability are to be sent from one bishop/superior to another, not directly to a parish, since it is the bishop who is responsible for determining a cleric’s suitability for ministry. 

If you have any questions, please contact Msgr. John Zuraw, Vicar General.

Letter of Suitability Request Now Online

Very Rev. Balash would like to announce a new easier way for diocesan clergy to request a letter of suitability in the event you are engaging in ministry outside of the diocese. A new electronic request form is now available on the Diocesan website at:

Fill out the form completely and click “Submit.”

The completed form and request will be sent directly to the Office of Clergy

Note:  All information must be included in the request for a letter of suitability to be processed.  It is asked that you submit your request at least 2 weeks in advance or earlier so that proper notification can be sent to the diocese and parish location that you will perform your ministry.

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