Canton Woman, Servant of God
Rhoda Wise was a woman of faith who became interested in Catholicism and the Rosary during a prolonged hospital stay for multiple injuries and cancer. Bishop McFadden confirmed her in Mercy Hospital, Canton, Ohio in March 1939. Her devotion to the Rosary, the Sacred Heart, and the Little Flower continues to inspire thousands.
In May 1939, Rhoda Wise was declared incurable and discharged from the hospital. Despite her pain, she took comfort in daily prayer and devotion. Soon after, she began experiencing visions of Jesus and St. Therese (the “Little Flower”), as well as healing in the midst of her suffering.
During her life, she accompanied others in their suffering, and many would gather at her house. Since her death in 1948, her home has become a site of prayer and pilgrimage. In 2017, Bishop Murry of the Diocese of Youngstown declared Rhoda Wise a Servant of God, starting the canonization process. The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints is investigating her cause for beatification and sainthood. You can support her cause by praying for her beatification while asking God for your own prayer intentions.
The Rhoda Wise Shrine has become so popular that they ask visitors to contact them to schedule a day & time to visit.
Outside, the Grotto of the Sacred Heart and Little Flower is open for prayer from 8am to dusk.
Location: 2337 25th Street NE, Canton, Ohio 44705
Prayers for the Beatification of Rhoda Wise
BISHOP DAVID BONNAR'S PRAYER for the Beatification of Servant of God Rhoda Wise

0 Heavenly Father, God of mercy, we thank You for the example of Rhoda Wise, Servant of God, whose life was marked by both profound suffering and enduring hope. In thanksgiving for her many healings, she heroically devoted herself to You as a victim soul, gladly accepting the painful stigmata and offering it graciously in fervent love for your priests, for all consecrated religious, that they be always in union with the Church as the Bride of Christ.
Confirm the strength of all the faithful of your Son and keep them enclosed in His Sacred Heart. May they be true and have the courage to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.
Father, we also humbly ask your blessing on those who choose the vocation of Christian Marriage that the grace of the Sacrament will provide fertile ground for strong Catholic families and future vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Grant the Beatification of Servant of God Rhoda Wise, so that others may seek Your grace, hear Your call, and imitate her joyful suffering. Through her intercession, please also grant the personal favor I ask in Jesus’ name (state your intention), if it be in accordance with Your Divine Will. Amen
The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, July 7, 2023
ORACIÓN DEL OBISPO DAVID BONNAR por la Beatificación de la Sierva de Dios Rhoda Wise

BISHOP GEORGE MURRY'S PRAYER for the Beatification of Servant of God Rhoda Wise
Heavenly Father, the love of your Crucified Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, sustained the Servant of God, Rhoda Wise, in her many sufferings and made her by grace a strong woman of Faith.
She led others to the Sacred Heart of your Son, Jesus.
She devoutly promoted daily recitation of the Most Holy Rosary.
Prayers were answered. Faith was strengthened.
May her beatification come quickly as we ask for her intercession in this need…
Pause and add your intentions.
We ask this through the Heart of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord. Amen
Imprimatur: +The Most Rev. George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop of Youngstown, May 12, 2017
Roman Phase of the Cause for Rhoda Wise's Canonization

Diocesan Phase of the Cause for Rhoda Wise's Canonization
Photos of Rhoda Wise and the Diocesan Masses are exclusive property of the Rhoda Wise House & Grotto, used with permission.

Bishop Bonnar on Servant of God Rhoda Wise
Homily | 2023 Rhoda Wise Mass
Bishop of Youngstown
“In the living out of her journey that involved suffering on many levels, Rhoda Wise came to embrace the universal call to holiness. It appears that the more she suffered the holier she became. What a model for us in our own sufferings, for sufferings need not be an obstacle but when entered in faith, hope, and love, our sufferings can become opportunities to grow in holiness.”
Excerpt from Bishop Bonnar’s July 7, 2023 homily for the annual Mass to honor Servant of God Rhoda Wise at St. Peter’s Church in Canton, Ohio.
Homily | 80th Anniversary Mass
Bishop of Youngstown
“For nearly ten years, it is believed that Rhoda Wise received apparitions totaling 28 in number. These visions deeply inspired Rhoda to be the Church, a living stone if you will, by offering herself as a victim to save souls, most especially priests and members of religious orders. […] To this day, many people come from near and far to visit her home and learn more about this holy woman who exemplified love in trying circumstances. What an amazing story of love.”
Excerpt from Bishop Bonnar’s June 25, 2023 homily for the Mass for the 80th Anniversary of the Diocese of Youngstown at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown, Ohio.
Encountering Rhoda Wise, Servant of God
WALKING BY FAITH TOGETHER | The Catholic Exponent | July 21, 2022
Bishop of Youngstown
“I was briefed on Rhoda Wise shortly upon my ordination and installation as bishop. On July 7, 2021, it was my honor to celebrate Holy Mass in her home parish of St. Peter, Canton, on the anniversary of her death. …
“The visions that Rhoda experienced inspired her to offer herself as a victim to save the souls of others – most especially priests and members of religious orders. One of those healed, interestingly enough, was a woman by the name of Rita Rizzo, a Canton teenager who later became Mother Angelica. Many others gave credit to Rhoda Wise for their cures.”
Homily | 2022 Rhoda Wise Mass
Bishop of Youngstown
“We are here tonight to acknowledge once again God’s call to the Servant of God, Rhoda Wise and to celebrate her response. It is interesting how God’s call often occurs in the ordinariness of life through prayer, events, and people. It is also not uncommon for this call to manifest itself through a consolation or a desolation of some kind. When we look at the life of Rhoda Wise, we know that she suffered much, but in that suffering, God spoke to her heart.”
Excerpt from Bishop Bonnar’s July 7, 2022 homily for the Mass for the Cause of Servant of God Rhoda Wise at St. Peter Church in Canton, Ohio.
Bishop David Bonnar Visits the Rhoda Wise House