Official Appointment | October 28, 2024

Coat of Arms

The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, announces the following retirement and appointment:

Barbara Walko will retire as Director of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, effective January 10, 2025.

Margie Hynes appointed as the new Director of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, effective January 11, 2025.

Bishop Bonnar comments: “Barbara’s love and dedication to faith formation at all levels demonstrates the words of Pope Francis in which he states, ‘faith cannot be merely handed on with books but passed on from hand to hand familiar speech, stories and witness.’ In the name of those who have benefited from her hard work, I thank her.

Margie brings to this new position a ‘habit of listening to and witnessing the real story of the faith and the life of the church community from the beginning to the present day.’

In the name of the Diocese of Youngstown, I thank Barbara Walko for her ministry to the People of God and I extend my support to Margie Hynes.”


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