NFP Awareness Week

This year’s Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week is July 23 to 29 with the theme Marriage: One Flesh, Given and Received. Modern methods of Natural Family Planning are scientifically researched and based on the observation of naturally occurring signs and symptoms of fertility during a woman’s menstrual cycle. NFP reflects the God-given dignity of the […]

National Marriage Week

National Marriage Week is February 7-14. The Sacrament of Marriage is not a one-time ceremony, but a lifelong collaboration with God to bring life and grace to the world through the powerful witness of married love. Giving thanks. Gratitude. A grateful heart. A compliment. A word of praise. A thank-you note.  All of these expressions […]

Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries will be honored at a wedding anniversary celebration at St. Columba Cathedral on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. The celebration includes Mass with Bishop Bonnar, renewal of marriage vows, a personalized certificate for each couple, followed by a simple reception for the couples […]

Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day

The Engaged Couple Retreat is a day-long marriage preparation workshop designed to assist engaged couples in preparing for their life-long vocation of marriage. It is a day to study, review, and learn the truth, beauty and joy of God’s plan for marriage. There will be time for couples to focus on their relationship with each other, […]

Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day

The Engaged Couple Retreat is a day-long marriage preparation workshop designed to assist engaged couples in preparing for their life-long vocation of marriage. It is a day to study, review, and learn the truth, beauty and joy of God’s plan for marriage. There will be time for couples to focus on their relationship with each other, […]

25th, 40th, 50th and over Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of Youngstown is sponsoring a Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, October 27, 2024, 2:00 p.m. at Basilica of St. John the Baptist Church in Canton, honoring couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries in 2024. The Wedding Anniversary Celebration will include Mass with Bishop David J. Bonnar, renewal of marriage […]

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