Lay Leader of Prayer Commissioning

Lay Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services.

Deadline to Register for Leader of Prayer Formation Series

Lay Leaders of Prayer are a great assistance when a priest is not available to provide an opportunity and lead prayer for the faithful. Lay Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services. Potential candidates must be endorsed by their pastor to serve in this ministry. Registration details will be sent soon.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The diocesan Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs invites all parishes to participate in the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from January 18-25. For more information, please contact Very Rev. Msgr. Robert Siffrin at

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

All Catholic parishes, schools, and families are encouraged to recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. These resources can support your prayerful participation.