Tribunal In-Service Available

The Tribunal staff has made available an ongoing, in-service for pastors, associates, deacons, religious, directors of religious education, religious education coordinators and counselors in order to prepare them in facilitating pleas for nullity for persons within the community whose marriages have broken down and who may be seeking a second union recognized by the Church.

The in-service focuses on preparation of case histories, compilation of documents, witnesses and determining of the appropriate grounds of nullity. Covered also are other types of nullity procedures.

The size of the in-service is in small groups of between 8-12 participants and generally runs approximately two hours. The in-service is offered at either the offices of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Youngstown or at a parish in the Canton area. Interested parties, who have not already registered or who need a “refresher,” should call the Tribunal at (330) 744-8451, ext. 252, to have their names placed on the registrant list. You would then be contacted when there are at least eight registrants for a particular location.


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