Category: Official

Coat of Arms

Clergy Official | June 4, 2022

Personnel Appointments for Transitional Deacons Benedict, England, Rovnak and Schlueter while they finish Seminary formation.

Coat of Arms

Clergy Official | May 7, 2022

Personnel Appointments for Rev. Ryan Furlong, Rev. Chad Johnson, Rev. Christopher Cicero and Rev. Scott Kopp.

Coat of Arms

Clergy Official | April 22, 2022

Personnel Appointments for Very Rev. Thomas; Revs. Finnerty, Ettinger, Miller, Mankowski, Cline, Keehner and Mino; Dcns. Johnson, Iarocci and Gardner; Mrs. Weeks and Mr. Perkoski (Diocesan Pastoral Associates).

Coat of Arms

Clergy Official | February 19, 2022

Personnel Appointments for Msgrs. Polando and Siffrin; Very Rev. Thomas; Revs. Edwards, Zwilling, Finnerty, and Walker; and Dcns. Frazzini and Puhalla.