Catholic Schools Week 2023 | Official Decree

Coat of Arms

PDF of Decree

David J. Bonnar

By the Grace of God and the Apostolic See


By virtue of this degree, I announce the celebration of Catholic Schools Week in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, January 29 – February 5, 2023.

One of the most critical decisions parents make for their children is where to educate them. Since children spend so many of their waking hours at school, their school environment plays a significant role in shaping them as a person. The right school will not only teach them core subjects like math, science or English, it will also instill values like teamwork, personal responsibility, compassion and much more.

Catholic schools are an ideal choice for families who want to invest in their children’s education and help them become their best selves. Catholic Schools also provide the right environment for children to encounter Jesus Christ who is “the way, the truth and the life.”

For centuries Catholic schools have sought to ground our youth in knowledge and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. Catholic schools have as it principle goal to acknowledge and foster the development of every aspect of the person; physical, spiritual, emotional and relational. The work could not be accomplished without the support of administration, teachers, faculty, staff members, coaches, aides and those who assist in before and after school care. The commitment they show to our young people opens to them opportunities for a full and successful life. To all of you, I express my sincere gratitude.

Today, I especially acknowledge and thank the parents/guardians of our students. You have shown your believe in the value of Catholic education and make many sacrifices to send your children to a Catholic school. The work to educate your children begins in the home and the foundation you lay there is built by the faculty and staff members to whom you have entrusted your children each day.

Join with me in celebrating Catholic Schools Week, celebrating schools focused on the values of faith, excellency and service.

Given at Youngstown, Ohio, this 23rd day of January, 2023.

Most Reverend David J. Bonnar
Bishop of Youngstown

Joan Lawson

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