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Choir Members Invited to Sing at Ordinations

Diaconate Ordination-May 25th at 10:30am: The Cathedral of St. Columba
I’d love to invite all of you and your choir members to sing with the choir for the diaconate ordination.  Rehearsal will begin at 9:15am sharp right up in the loft.  If interested, send me an email and I’ll send scanned music! Let us make music for the future of our diocese!
Priesthood Ordination-June 1st at 10:30am: The Cathedral of St. Columba
I’d love to invite all of you and your choir members to sing with the choir for the priesthood ordinations.  Rehearsal will begin at 9:15am sharp right up in the loft.  If interested, send me an email and I’ll send scanned music! Let us make music for the future of our diocese!
Ralph Holtzhauser, M.M., CAGO
Diocesan Music Director of Youngstown
Music Director of the Cathedral of St. Columba 

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