Clergy Official | College of Consultors | September 1, 2023

Coat of Arms

September 17 2023

The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, has appointed the following members of the Presbyteral Council to the College of Consultors for 5 years, effective September 1, 2023:

Very Reverend Michael Balash
Very Reverend Martin Celuch
Reverend Daniel Finnerty
Reverend Ryan Furlong
Reverend John Jerek
Very Reverend William Kraynak
Very Reverend John-Michael Lavelle
Reverend Richard Murphy
Very Reverend Msgr. John Zuraw
Bishop Bonnar expresses his gratitude to Reverend Benson Okpara, Reverend Msgr. Peter Polando, and Reverend Frank Zanni, whose terms have been completed.

Additional assignments can be found at


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