Clergy Official | July 17, 2022

Coat of Arms

July 16, 2022

The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, has made the following clergy and personnel assignments. They are effective as noted.

Effective Immediately

Rev. Marian Babjak has agreed to resign as pastor of Christ Our Savior Parish in Struthers.  Fr. Babjak remains on leave and is currently being evaluated for a possible future assignment.

Effective August, 1, 2022

Very Rev. Philip Rogers, V.F., from pastor of Saint Charles Borromeo to pastor of Christ Our Savior Parish in Struthers in addition to his responsibility as Dean of Mahoning South Deanery.

Ms. Patricia Condello, as Diocesan Pastoral Associate at Saint Barbara Parish, Saint Joseph Parish, and Saint Mary Parish in Massillon in addition to her current responsibility as Diocesan Pastoral Associate at Holy Family Parish, Brewster.

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