Clergy Official | May 20, 2023

Coat of Arms

May 20, 2023

The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, has made the following clergy assignment, effective July 1, 2023:

Rev. Ernesto Rodriguez, from Hispanic Ministry duties at Saint Patrick Parish, Leetonia to Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Ashtabula Deanery and Sacramental Minister for the Ashtabula Parishes with residence at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Ashtabula.
Bishop Bonnar has confirmed the following assignments effective, July 1, 2023:
Rev. Frassati (Alexander) Davis, O.P. as parochial vicar at Saint Dominic Parish, Youngstown with residence at Saint Dominic Priory, with the additional responsibility of providing Hispanic Ministry at Saint Patrick Parish, Leetonia.

Rev. Jonah Pollock, O.P. to assist with the ministries of the Dominican Fathers at Saint Dominic Parish, Youngstown and Saint Rose Parish, Girard with residence at Saint Dominic Priory.

Additional assignments can be found at


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