First Step for Change
Catholic Charities will hold its annual First Step for Change campaign from Mother’s Day through Father’s Day, honoring the faith, humility and love it takes to raise a child, and recognizing that many parents lack adequate financial resources for their children. Funds raised through this campaign assist low-income expectant parents and families with food, formula, clothing, diapers, and other items essential to a child’s health, safety and well-being.
We have NEW PACKETS this year! Each packet is self-contained and includes two response envelopes. A sample will be included with your registration folder.
Families at participating parishes will be asked to pick up a FIRST STEP PACKET after Mass. They will take the FIRST STEP PACKET home with them, learn about the program together as a family, prayerfully consider a gift, and then return all envelopes to their parish by June 30.
You can support and share our online donation option or mail donations directly to Catholic Charities:
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown
c/o Jennifer Lucarelli
144 West Wood St
Youngstown, OH 44503
All money collected at your local parish will help to meet the needs in your own community! Thank you for joining us in supporting this pro-life campaign.
For questions, please contact Jennifer Lucarelli at 330-744-8451 or jlucarelli@youngstowndiocese.org.