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New in the Library: May 2024

The Collected Works of Saint Teresa of Avila. Kieran Kavanaugy, O.C.D. The Institute of Carmelite Studies., 2017. This is the second edition of volume One of The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, first woman doctor of the church. The translators have taken full advantage  of all that recent scholarship has contributed to a better understanding of Teresa and her writings. This volume includes her first major work, The Book of Her Life, and two of her shorter works, the Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies.


A Spirituality of Caregiving. Henri J. M. Nouwen. Upper Room Books, 2011. From the heart of Henri Nouwen comes wisdom for the caregiver about the transformational power of relationship in the unique bond between caregiver and care receiver. Interlacing stories from his own life and the lives of friends, Nouwen communicates warmth and compassion as he shares insights on what it means to be a caregiver and to be cared for. 


Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist. Ronald Rolheiser. Double Day, 2011. More so than anything else, the Eucharist is what anchors many peoples’ life, prayer, and ultimately the way they live their lives. In this deeply personal book, Father Ronald Rolheiser delves into the history and meaning of this sacred tradition, drawing upon the insights of various scripture scholars, theologians, and church teachings. With personal warmth and great insight, he reflects on his own particular Roman Catholic upbringing and the centrality that the Eucharist has within that tradition. At the same time, he looks at other denominations’ traditions around the Eucharist. Our One Great Act of Fidelity is an investigation into the ways people secure their faith and belief and discover true intimacy with God and each other. Ultimately, however, it is a spiritual and a personal statement of how Ronald Rolheiser understands the Eucharist and why he celebrates it every day.

To borrow these or other resources, the library and Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry are open for in person visits and consultations 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. You may also visit our website 24/7 at Once you make your selections, you can email the request to We can arrange for your visit, a curbside pick up or direct mailing to your parish.

Learn more about the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry.

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St. Joseph Care Center in Louisville to be Sold

Press Release | The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, and Chairman of the St. Joseph Care Center Corporation, announces that the Members of the Corporation have made the decision to sell St. Joseph Care Center, a senior living facility located in Louisville, Ohio.

15 Lay Leaders of Prayer Commissioned by the Diocese of Youngstown

Press Release | Fifteen men and women were commissioned as Lay Leaders of Prayer on November 15, 2023. Leaders of Prayer are lay persons commissioned to lead the faithful in acts of worship which in the past were most often led by the ordained clergy but may also be led by lay people.