Mass for Life with Bishop Bonnar

Bishop Bonnar will preside at a Mass for Life at 4:00 pm at St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown (154 W. Wood St.). All are welcome.

Kolbe Gathering | Faith Sharing with Formerly Incarcerated in 3 Locations (1st & 3rd Thursdays)

The Diocese of Youngstown, through its Prison Ministry program, has started the Kolbe Gathering.  Kolbe Gathering is a place for the formerly incarcerated and their families to join with parish-based volunteers in spiritual support and fellowship.  Our gatherings embrace spirituality in prayer, music, scripture reading and fellowship, all in a welcoming and warm environment.  It […]

Exsul Familia Nazarethana, Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII

The Office of Peace and Justice promotes the themes of Catholic Social Teaching, particularly the dignity of the human person, through education, advocacy, and prayer.

Civilize It: A Better Kind Of Politics

The Office of Peace and Justice promotes the themes of Catholic Social Teaching, particularly the dignity of the human person, through education, advocacy, and prayer.

Grant Funding Available

The Office of Peace and Justice has grant opportunities available to help those living in unimaginable hardship.