Jason Roberts Improvisation Concert

Please come join us for an astounding concert by renowned organist, Jason Roberts. This whole concert will be improvisations based off of Advent themes.

Festival of Lessons and Carols

A Festival of Lessons and Carols

All are invited to come and the Saint Columba Cathedral Choir sing the Peter Hallock setting of “The Great O Antiphons.”

Lipkovich, Susan

Administrative Assistant, Office of Worship and Office of Catholic Schools slipkovich@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext. 304

Holtzhauser, Ralph

Diocesan Director of Music & Cathedral Musician rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext. 212  

Lay Leader of Prayer Commissioning

Lay Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services.

Cecilia Project Study Day

The Diocese of Youngstown Cecilia Project will have its introductory study day on December 15th at 2pm in the Parish Hall of the Cathedral of St. Columba.