Wagner, Katie
Editor-in-Chief, The Catholic Echo kwagner@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext. 306
Vogt, Collin
Staff Writer, The Catholic Echo cvogt@youngstowndiocese.org
Vlosich, Carole
Office Associate, The Catholic Echo cvlosich@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.314
Taddei, Andrea
Administrative Assistant (Sales Support), The Catholic Echo ataddei@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.305
Sweetko, Annetta
Production – Senior Designer, The Catholic Echo asweetko@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.312
Sheehan, Peter
Staff Writer, The Catholic Echo psheehan@youngstowndiocese.org
Nicholson, Dana
Production Assistant, The Catholic Echo dnicholson@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.309
Keith, Brian
Staff Photographer, The Catholic Echo bkeith@youngstowndiocese.org
Gustovich, Brenda
Advertising Representative, The Catholic Echo bgustovich@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.315
Tarr, Kathy
Administrative Assistant, Catholic Charities ktarr@youngstowndiocese.org 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext.321