New Learning Opportunities for Adults This Winter

February 1, 2022

MORE INFO: Joan Lawson, Office of Religious Education/Evangelization, (330) 744-8451, ext. 290

YOUNGSTOWN, OH — The Office of Religious Education/Evangelization of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown offers new online opportunities for adults seeking to learn more or deepen their understanding of topics in faith and Catholic Church practice.  Online winter courses beginning January 24 include “Elementary Catechesis,” led by Carla Hlavac; “Saints with a Heart for Creation,” led by Maureen Hall; and “Understanding Eucharist through Scripture,” led by Margie Hynes.  Other courses in February through April include “Introduction to Catholic Morality,” “Racism, the Catholic Church, and Me: A Look into Ourselves,” “The Last Words of Jesus: Meditations on Love and Suffering,” “Sowing God’s Word,” “Hope: A Virtue for Our Times,” and “The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts.” 

These online sessions allow flexibility in schedules, because learners can read, reflect, and respond at any time of the day. Materials are provided and assignments posted at the beginning of a given week, and participants have the week to respond, until the following week’s learning is posted.  Courses vary in the number of weeks, from three to six.  Course fees vary depending on costs of materials and length of time.

Course dates and descriptions are found by going to the website Catechist Café, ( under “For Catechists/Catechist Courses.”

For more information, contact the Office of Religious Education/Evangelization by phone, 330-744-8451, ext. 290, or email


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