Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


MORE INFO: Justin Huyck, Director of Communications, (330) 744-8451, ext 320

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO — Upon the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, comments that, “The Clergy, Religious, and Faithful of the Diocese of Youngstown mourn the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict. Pope Benedict’s story is one of humble and faithful service to the Church rooted in a passionate commitment to promoting and protecting the Truth of the Gospel. His Episcopal Motto, ‘Cooperators of the Truth’ illustrates his uncompromising intentionality to the Truth. Pope Benedict’s final words as pontiff point to the last leg of his earthly journey which was focused on preparing for eternal life. He said, ‘I’m simply a pilgrim who is starting the last stage of his pilgrimage on Earth.’ May he now occupy the room prepared for him in God’s Kingdom and see God face to face. Together, let us pray that Pope Benedict will know God’s peace and rest.”

In addition to funeral arrangements and forms of prayer at the Vatican, Bishop Bonnar will be the principal celebrant for two diocesan Masses to pray for the deceased Pope: Tuesday, January 3 at 4:00pm at Saint Paul Church, 241 S Main Street, North Canton; and Wednesday, January 4 at 12:10pm at the Cathedral of Saint Columba, 154 West Wood Street, Youngstown. Parishes throughout the diocese will also be praying for Pope Emeritus Benedict at upcoming liturgies.

The faithful are asked to pray for Pope Benedict through the traditional customary prayers of the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. The deceased Pope may also be prayed for in the recitation of the rosary.


Photo Credit: CNS photo/Paul Haring

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