Diocese of Youngstown announces Graduates of the Loyola University of New Orleans Extension program (LIMEX)

Statue of Ignatius of Loyola preaching with open Bible

LIMEX program, a diocesan and university partnership, also invites new students


August 1, 2023

CONTACT: Margie Hynes, Consultant, Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry
(330) 744-8451, ext. 396; mhynes@youngstowndiocese.org

ADDITIONAL MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Huyck, Director of Communications
(330) 744-8451, ext. 320; jhuyck@youngstowndiocese.org

The Diocese of Youngstown’s Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry announces and congratulates the most recent graduates of the Loyola University of New Orleans Extension program (LIMEX) who graduated in May 2023. Sr. Martha Reed, Erica Galvin, Darlene F. Marks, and Jennifer Lawrence graduated with a Master of Pastoral Studies degree. Rebecca Szekely earned a Master of Religious Education degree, and Carol Stowe was awarded a Continuing Education Certificate in Pastoral Studies. 

Sr. Martha Reed serves as the Director of Religious Education at St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown; Erica Galvin serves as Coordinator of Communications at St. Charles Parish, Boardman; Jennifer Lawrence serves as Pastoral Minister at St. Joan of Arc Parish, Streetsboro; Rebecca Szekely is from St. Ann Parish, Sebring; Darlene F. Marks is the former Administrative Assistant for Faith Formation at Divine Grace Parish, Cranberry, PA; and Carol Stowe is retired from the former Catholic Exponent newspaper (which has been succeeded by The Catholic Echo magazine) and is a volunteer at St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish, Warren.

These women completed 12 courses in this graduate program of studies as a learning group with Terry Murphy, retired Religion Department Chair and Theology Teacher for St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Louisville, as facilitator. He has facilitated the most learning groups among other facilitators in the history of LIMEX in the United States. Terry thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to journey with the learning groups and stated, “Each group has its own personality, and this particular group was unique in their determination. They began pre-pandemic, and persevered gracefully throughout, adapting to in person and online sessions with participants throughout the world. Their commitment to this adult learning model is commendable.” 

In fact, the group was recognized at commencement with the Loyola Institute for Ministry Kairos Award, given for academic excellence and collaboration for ministry. Additionally, Erica Galvin was granted the Loyola Institute for Ministry Scholar Award, demonstrating excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service.

The Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office at the Diocese of Youngstown has had a partnership with Loyola University New Orleans Extension program since 1986. During this time over 100 parish ministers have graduated with their master’s degree or received a certificate in either religious education or pastoral studies from LIMEX.

If you or someone you know is interested in continuing their education in parish ministry, please contact Margie Hynes at the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, mhynes@youngstowndiocese.org or 330-744-8451 ext. 296. The diocese is currently looking for people to begin a new learning group.

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