Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, University Parish Newman Center (Kent)

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, University Parish Newman Center (Kent)

Pastor: Rev. David J. Bridling

Mass Times and Parish Information

MASSES: Sunday: 9, 11:15 a.m., (8 p.m. when KSU is in session); Weekday: 7:30a.m. Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri., (Tue. 8 p.m. when KSU is in session, 7:30 a.m. when KSU not in session) Holy Day: See bulletin

Reconciliation: Tue. 7-7:30 pm; Wed. 8-8:30 am

Adoration: Tue. 7-8 pm; Wed. 8-9 am


Established 1953

Parish Code 415

1424 Horning Road, Kent 44240-7657

Phone: 330-678-0240

PASTOR: Rev. David Bridling

PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. William Wainio

Permanent Deacons: Michael Stabilla, Timothy DeFrange

Music Director: Dr. John Roebke

Office Manager: Mr. Corey Sees