Our Lady of Peace Church, Christ the Servant Parish (Canton)

Our Lady of Peace Church, Christ the Servant Parish (Canton)

Pastor: Rev. Daniel Finnerty

Mass Times and Parish Information

MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9, 11 a.m.; Weekday: 9 a.m. Tu., Th., Fri.; Wed 10 a.m.; Holy Day: consult bulletin or website

Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays in Advent & Lent, 7-8 p.m.

Confession: Saturday 3:45-4:15 p.m.; Fridays in Advent & Lent, 7-8 p.m.


Established 2010

Parish Code 515


Our Lady of Peace Church, Established 1952

833 39th St. N.W. Canton 44709

Phone: 330-492-0757

Fax: 330-492-1214

Website: www.christtheservantparish.org

Email: christtheservantparish@gmail.com

Rental facilities: Gathering Room, Gym, Seton Hall

Rental contact: Mr. Michael Reed 330-575-3446

PASTOR: Rev. Daniel Finnerty

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Lewis F. Gaetano

Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas Mierzwa

Bookkeeper: Mrs. Cheryl Andrews

Office Assistance: Mrs. Paula House

Directors of Music: Mr. & Mrs. AJ & Mary Hoy Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Rita Kingsbury Maintenance Supervisor: Mr. Kevin Kraft

Parish Secretary: Mrs. Kristin Kraft Bookkeeper: Ms. Mary Puskarich

Sacristan and Scheduling: Mr. Michael Reed

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