St. Michael the Archangel Parish (Canton)

St. Michael the Archangel Parish (Canton)

Pastor: Rev. Benson Okpara

Mass Times and Parish Information

MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30, 11 a.m., & 5:30 p.m.; Holy Day: Consult Bulletin; Weekdays in the Chapel: 6:45 a.m. M-F & 8 a.m. M, T, W & F; 6 p.m. Wed.

Communion Service: Thu. 8 a.m.

Reconciliation: First and Third Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am (Or by appointment)

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday – 8:15 am – 6:00 pm following the 8:00 am Communion Service, Closes with Benediction around 5:45 pm


Established 1952

Parish Code 514

3430 St. Michael Blvd., N.W. Canton 44718-3099

Phone: 330-492-3119, Fax: 330-492-0339


PASTOR: Rev. Benson Okpara, Ph.D.

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Connor Hetzel

Permanent Deacons: Mark Fuller, Philip Tischler & Peter Pohl (retired)

Receptionist: Mrs. Stephanie Halas

Business Manager: Mr. Bruce Gordon

Admin. Assist.: Mrs. Stephanie Bole

Bookkeeper: Mrs. Sarah Bressler

Dir. of Music Ministry: Mr. Jeff Fricker

Pastoral Assoc./ Liturgical & Social Justice Ministry: Sr. Carolyn Capuano, H.M.

Liturgy: Mr. Trevor Ivan

Adult Faith Formation: Ms. Roberta Muoio

Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Ms. Rachal Shumar

Dir. Faith Formation & Safe Environment: Mrs. Julie Sutton

Facilities Manager: Mr. James Shundry

SCHOOL: 3431 St. Michael Blvd. N.W. Canton 44718

Principal: Ms. Claire Gatti

Phone: 330-492-2657

