Margie Hynes Named New Director of Faith Formation & Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Hynes replaces Barbara Walko who is retiring effective January 10

January 10, 2025 

YOUNGSTOWN, OH – The Office Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Margie Hynes as the Director of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, effective January 12, 2025. Mrs. Hynes formerly served as a consultant for the office since 2021, and was the DRE at St. Rose Parish in Girard and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Austintown. Margie has a master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University New Orleans. She is a parishioner at St. Rose Girard and lives with her family in Austintown.

Bishop David Bonnar commented that Margie brings to this new position a “ habit of listening to and witnessing the real story of faith and the life of the church community from the beginning to the present day.”

Mrs. Hynes succeeds Mrs. Barbara Walko who served in the position for decades after having served as a DRE and Catholic school teacher. Barbara has provided resources, consultation, and networking for catechetical and evangelization ministries. She also recruited and supported lay ecclesial ministers in all areas of parish life. Over the years, Mrs. Walko assisted pastors in hiring parish staff, facilitated formation for deacon candidates, and supported thousands of directors of religious education, pastoral associates, youth ministers, and other parish leaders. Barbara guided the continual updates of the Diocesan Directory for Catechesis, the Diocesan Curriculum, and the child protection policy. She supervised the administration of numerous conferences including the Catechetical-Liturgical Conference (a.k.a. Cat-Lit Day), the Diocesan Ministries Convocation, Diocesan Youth Conference, Catechesis & Evangelization Conference and Ministry Day.

Regarding Barbara’s retirement on January 10, Bishop David Bonnar stated, “Barbara’s love and dedication to faith formation at all levels demonstrates the words of Pope Francis in which he states, ‘faith cannot be merely handed on with books but passed on from hand to hand familiar speech, stories and witness.’ In the name of those who have benefited from her hard work, I thank her.”

For more information on the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, please visit the diocesan website, or  the office resource site,, or call (330) 744-8451.

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