Marriage and Family Life

Resources for Families Seeking Help

Every day, through a variety of services, the three Catholic Charities Agencies in the Diocese of Youngstown serve the needs of women, families, and those in need.

Access a guide to Catholic Charities locations and services in each of our six counties, and also a comprehensive “Community Guide” with additional services offered by various organizations in each county.

Walking with Moms in Need is a process through which Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need. On this page, women and families in need will be find available resources organized by county, and parishioners will find ideas about how we can take responsibility for walking with moms in need. This program is administered by parishes and supported by the Office of Peace and Justice.


As of July 1, 2024, Marriage and Family Life services are part of the Office of Canonical Services, previously under the Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life. The Diocese of Youngstown offers support for the vocation of marriage including:

  • Marriage preparation policy and coordination
  • Promoting parenthood
  • Distributing information on Natural Family Planning
  • Sharing resources for marriage enrichment or families in crisis
  • Celebrating significant wedding anniversaries

Is God calling you to the vocation of marriage?

Please contact your parish six months before the prospective wedding date to begin preparation.

For pre-marital documents, please see the Canonical Services page:

Register online for our One-Day Engaged Couple Retreat, or see below for additional options and resources:


Marriage Preparation Information for Engaged Couples

Marriage Preparation Resources for Parishes

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Married couples using NFP to avoid pregnancy for the time being abstain from intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman’s cycle. Likewise, married couples open to the possibility of conceiving a child engage in intercourse during the fertile phase of the woman’s cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid or achieve pregnancy.

NFP reflects the God-given dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife.

Marriage Enrichment



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