Canonical Services

The Judicial Vicar is the Executive Director of the Department of Canonical Services. The Judicial Vicar must be a canon lawyer. This department is staffed by five members (four are degreed in Canon Law). The staff includes judges, defenders of the bond, advocates, and the promoter of justice. Support staff includes an office manager, notaries and secretaries.

The services of this department include: matrimonial permissions and dispensations, declarations of matrimonial invalidity and conciliation services. In addition, this department assists priests and deacons in their applications for dispensations from the obligations of Holy Orders from the Holy See.

Canonical Documents

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Pre-Marital Documents

Petitions for Declaration of Invalidity


Tribunal In-Service Available

The Tribunal staff has made available an ongoing in-service for small groups of between 8-12 participants and generally runs approximately two hours. Interested parties should call the Tribunal at (330) 744-8451, ext. 252.

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