New Online and In-Person Courses for Adults This Fall and Winter


August 16, 2022

MORE INFO: Margie Hynes, Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry (330) 744-8451, ex. 296

The Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown offers new in-person and online opportunities for adults seeking to learn more or deepen their understanding of topics in faith and Catholic Church practice. An in-person course, “Ecumenism at the Parish,” led by Fr. Shawn Conoboy at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Aurora, begins August 25. The following courses are held online: “Catholic Belief and Tradition,” led by Sr. Joyce Candidi; “Los Planos De La Biblia,” led by Fr. Brian Smith; “Sowing God’s Word,” led by Marcy Fessler; “Introduction to Catholic Morality,” led by Cindee Case; “Fratelli Tutti- Fraternity and Social Friendship,” led by Justin Huyck; and “Elementary Catechesis,” led by Marcy Fessler. Other courses during Advent include “Isaiah: Prophet of Advent,” led by Joan Lawson and “The Infancy Narratives” led by William Wainio.

“Ecumenism at the Parish” is an in-person course held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Aurora. The session will take place on Thursday nights, beginning August 25 and ending October 6. The online sessions allow flexibility in schedules, because learners can read, reflect, and respond at any time of the day. Materials are provided and assignments posted at the beginning of a given week, and participants have the week to respond, until the following week’s learning is posted. Courses vary in the number of weeks, from ten to three. Course fees vary depending on costs of materials and the length of the class. 

Course dates and descriptions can be found on Catechist Café

For more information, contact the Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office by phone, 330-744-8451, ext. 296, or email


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