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Parish Merging or Collaborating? Secure Your Online Accounts! -NEW

Your parish web address is your “internet real estate.” Just as there are proper procedures when moving between physical buildings, remember also to secure and transfer your online accounts. Here are Five Tips to Secure Your Website that can apply to social media, file sharing and other types of accounts:

  1. Transfer domain name ownership to the new parish
  2. Your bulletin company may include web hosting services
  3. Forward your existing domain to a new website or webpage (don’t delete it!)
  4. Back up your website data regularly
  5. Make sure your Mass times are updated ASAP

See detailed explanations of each of these steps in The Catholic Echo article “Parish in Transition? 5 Important Tips about Parish Websites!”

To assist you in securing your accounts, Cindee Case developed a Digital Password Keeper, which is available in this month’s Attachment folder: Read more at The Catholic Echo article “Best Practice: Digital Password Keeper.” 

If you have additional questions about your website or online security, please feel free to contact Meagen Farrell at or (330) 744-8451 x275.

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