Explore the diverse educational landscape within the Diocese of Youngstown, discovering schools that prioritize academic excellence, character development, and a nurturing environment. With locations spanning six counties, these institutions offer a rich tapestry of educational opportunities for students seeking a well-rounded and faith-based learning experience.
School Directory
Saint John School
Grades: PreSchool – 12
7911 Depot Rd, Ashtabula, OH 44004
Principal: Mr. Scott Plescia
Saint Jude Preschool
Grades: PreSchool
189 Seventh St., Columbiana, OH 44408
(330) 482-2351
Director: Mrs. Amanda Hudak
Email: ahudak@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Paul School
Grades: K – 8
925 East State Street, Salem, OH 44460
(330) 337-3451
Principal: Dr. Jacqueline Mumford
Cardinal Mooney High School
Grades: 9 – 12
2545 Erie Street, Youngstown, OH 44507
(330) 788-5007
Principal: Mr. Nick Beyer
Email: mooneyhigh@youngstowndiocese.org
Holy Family School
Grades: K – 8 and PreSchool
2731 Center Road, Poland, OH 44514
(330) 757-3713
Principal: Mr. Tod Morris
Email: hfelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Charles School
Grades: K – 8 and PreSchool
7325 Westview Drive, Boardman, OH 44512
(330) 758-6689
Principal: Mrs. Teresa Yarger
Email: stcharleselem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Christine School
Grades: K – 8 and PreSchool
3125 South Schenley Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44511
(330) 792-4544
Principal: Mrs. Cara Pribula
Email: stchristineelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Early Childhood Learning Centers
Grades: PreSchool
5 Locations:
- @ St. Charles School – https://www.eclcpreschools.com/eclc-at-st-charles
- @ St. Christine School – https://www.eclcpreschools.com/eclc-at-st-christine
- @ St. Luke Parish – https://www.eclcpreschools.com/eclc-at-st-luke
- @ Holy Family School – https://www.eclcpreschools.com/eclc-at-holy-family
- @ St. Joseph Parish – Austintown – https://www.eclcpreschools.com/eclc-at-st-joseph
Principal: Mrs. Pam Jadue
Phone: (330) 953-0800
Email: eclc@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Joseph the Provider School
Grades: K – 8
1145 Turin Street, Youngstown, OH 44510
(330) 259-0353
Principal: Mrs. Cheryl Jablonski
Email: stjoetheproelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Nicholas School
Grades: K – 8
762 Fifth Street, Struthers, OH 44471
(330) 755-2128
Principal: Mrs. Mary Catherine (Katie) Harold
Email: stnickelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Ursuline High School
Grades: 9 – 12
750 Wick Ave., Youngstown, OH 44505
(330) 744-4563
Principal: Mr. Matthew Sammartino
Saint Joseph School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
2617 Waterloo Road, Mogadore, OH 44260
(330) 628-9555
Principal: Miss Sarah Johnson
Email: stjoeelemmogadore@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Patrick School
Grades: K – 8
127 Portage Street, Kent, OH 44240
(330) 673-7232
Principal: Mr. Howard Mancini
Central Catholic High School
Grades: 9-12
4824 Tuscarawas Street W., Canton, OH 44708
(330) 478-2131
Principal: Mr. David Oates
Email: cchigh@youngstowndiocese.org
Our Lady of Peace School
Grades: K – 5
1001 39th Street NW, Canton, OH 44709
(330) 492-0622
Principal: Dr. Peter Schafer
Email: olopelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Regina Coeli School
Grades: PreSchool – 5
733 Fernwood Blvd., Alliance, OH 44601
(330) 823-9239
Principal: Mr. Mario Calandros
Email: rcelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint James School
Grades: PreSchool – 6
400 W. Lisbon St., Waynesburg, OH 44688
(330) 866-9556
Principal: Mrs. Sandi Fusillo
Email: stjameselem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Joan of Arc School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
120 Bordner Avenue SW, Canton, OH 44710
(330) 477-2972
Principal: Mr. Daniel Mitchell
Email: stjoaelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Mary School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
640 First Street NE, Massillon, OH 44646
(330) 832-9355
Principal: Mrs. Danielle Williams
Email: stmaryelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Michael the Archangel School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
3431 St. Michael Blvd. NW, Canton, OH 44718
(330) 492-2657
Principal: Mrs. Claire Gatti
Email: stmichaelelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Paul School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
303 South Main Street
North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 494-0223
Principal: Mr. Michael Brown
Email: stpaulelemncanton@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Peter School
Grades: PreSchool – 5
702 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton, OH 44702
(330) 452-0125
Principal: Mr. John Airhart
Email: stpeterelem@youngstowndiocese.org
SS Philip and James School
Grades: PreSchool – 8
532 High Street, Canal Fulton, OH 44614
(330) 854-2823
Principal: Mrs. Lisa Eberhardt
Email: sspandjelem@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Thomas Aquinas School
Grades: 6 – 12
2121 Reno Dr., Louisville, OH 44641
(330) 875-1631
Principal: Mrs. Teresa Conserta
President: Mr. Will Pituch
John F. Kennedy – Lower Campus
Grades: K – 5
3000 Reeves Road, Warren, OH 44483
(330) 372-2375
Principal: Mrs. Jacquelyn Venzeio
Email: jfkelem@youngstowndiocese.org
John F. Kennedy – Upper Campus
Grades: 6 – 12
2550 Central Parkway, Warren, OH 44484
(330) 369-1804
Principal: Mrs. Alyse Consiglio
Email: jfkjrsr@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Patrick Preschool
Grades: PreSchool
357 N. Main St., Hubbard, OH 44425
(330) 534-1928
Director: Mrs. Chris Trinckes
Email: ctrinckes@youngstowndiocese.org
Saint Rose School
Grades: K – 8
61 East Main Street, Girard, OH 44420
(330) 545-1163
Principal: Mr. Anthony Catale