Lay Leaders of Prayer are a great assistance when a priest is not available to provide an opportunity and lead prayer for the faithful. Registration deadline is September 1, 2024.

Deadline to Register for Leader of Prayer Formation Series

Lay Leaders of Prayer are a great assistance when a priest is not available to provide an opportunity and lead prayer for the faithful. Lay Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services. Potential candidates must be endorsed by their pastor to serve in this ministry. Registration details will be sent soon.

Leader of Prayer Formation Series

Lay Leaders of Prayer are a great assistance when a priest is not available to provide an opportunity and lead prayer for the faithful. Lay Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services. Potential candidates must be endorsed by their pastor to serve in this ministry. Registration details will be sent soon.

Considering Preparation for Ministry as a Lay Person?

If you have ever wondered about becoming prepared for a parish ministry position, please contact Barbara Walko for assistance in discerning academic and experiential qualifications with a possible path toward meaningful and life giving ministry.

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