Colucy, Dominic

Vice-Chancellor 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 744-8451; ext. 293 Assignments: Director, Office of Safe Environment Victim Assistance Coordinator

Acknowledge Revised and Amended Safe Environment Policy

Virtus home

Please review and acknowledge the new diocesan Safe Environment policies available for download in English and Spanish through your VIRTUS account. Visit VIRTUS to log in and complete the acknowledgement. For assistance, contact Dominic Colucy at or visit the Safe Environment Page.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

All Catholic parishes, schools, and families are encouraged to recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. Here are some resources to support your prayerful participation: USCCB Abuse Prevention Resources Diocese of Youngstown Office of Safe Environment Bulletin Announcement April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. It serves as an annual reminder of the importance […]

Reporting Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse

Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal

To report abuse or a violation of the Safe Environment Policy, contact Mr. Dominic Colucy, Safe Environment Coordinator at (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.

Safe Environment: Updating Information

Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal

Procedures for Safe Environment Compliance Officers to add, move, inactivate or remove individuals at their location. Contact the Safe Environment Coordinator at