Please use these bulletin blurbs and general intercessions at Mass to help promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in your parish community and school:
FEBRUARY 2025 Vocations Intercessions & Bulletin Blurbs: Word Doc
JANUARY 2025 Vocations Intercessions & Bulletin Blurbs: Word Doc
Attn: Bulletin Editor and Intercessions Writers
Vocation Bulletin Inserts
The following parish bulletin blurbs are provided for your use to support the development of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. They are keyed to the liturgical calendar for placement in your weekly bulletin. Your support is most appreciated.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 26, 2025
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.” (Luke 4:18)
Are you being called to share Christ’s message of hope through a life of service in the Church? Explore your vocation with openness. Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Presentation of the Lord – February 2, 2025
World Day for Consecrated Life
“When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” (Luke 2:22)
God invites us to dedicate ourselves fully to His will. Could He be asking you to present your life to Him in a special way? Trust in God’s plan for you. Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 9, 2025
World Marriage Day & National Marriage Week
“They left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:11)
As we celebrate World Marriage Day, we honor the beauty and commitment of married couples who follow Christ together. Just as the apostles left behind their former lives to follow Jesus, couples are called to embrace their vocation of marriage with faith and trust, journeying together toward holiness. Take this opportunity to renew your marriage vows in your heart.
“They left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:11)
When Jesus called His first disciples, they responded by leaving everything behind to follow Him. Jesus calls each of us to follow Him in our own way—some as priests or religious brothers and sisters, dedicating their lives fully to His mission. Are you hearing His call to “Come, follow me”? Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 16, 2025
“Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.” (Luke 6:20)
A vocation to religious life calls for a life of simplicity and dedication to God’s kingdom. Could God be calling you to this blessed path? Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 23, 2025
“Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.” (Luke 6:27)
Priests, religious brothers and sisters, and married couples are each called to live out a vocation rooted in love and forgiveness. Is God calling you to witness to His mercy and compassion through a religious vocation? Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – March 2, 2025
“Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?” (Luke 6:41)
Jesus calls us to self-awareness and humility, reminding us to look inward before we judge others. This same humility is essential when discerning how God is calling us to serve. Are you being called to dedicate your life to God’s service as a priest or religious brother or sister? Talk to your priest or reach out to Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or
Vocation General Intercessions
February 2025/Cycle C
The following intercessions are provided for your use to support the development of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. They are keyed to the liturgical calendar. Please consider including them in the Prayers of the Faithful at Holy Mass.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 26, 2025) – Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
- For the Church, that as Jesus proclaimed the Good News in the synagogue, more may feel called to proclaim the Gospel as priests. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For those discerning their vocation, that they may find clarity in God’s word and courage to respond to the call to ordained or consecrated life. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For our parish community, that we may actively promote vocations, encouraging young people to listen for and follow God’s call in their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.
Presentation of the Lord (February 2, 2025) – Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
World Day for Consecrated Life
- For the Church, that through the example of Simeon and Anna, more men and women may dedicate their lives to God in priesthood and religious life. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For all consecrated men and women, that they may be strengthened in their commitment to serve the Lord and be a light to the nations. Let us pray to the Lord.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 9, 2025) – Luke 5:1-11
World Marriage Day and National Marriage Week – February 7th– 14th
- For all married couples, that, like Simon Peter who answered Jesus’ call, they may live out their vocation with faith and dedication, drawing closer to God and each other. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For those preparing for marriage, that their love may be rooted in Christ and grow stronger as they prepare for a lifetime of commitment and unity. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For married couples facing challenges, that they may find strength in God’s grace and remain steadfast in their commitment to one another. Let us pray to the Lord.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 16, 2025) – Luke 6:17, 20-26
- For the Church, that through the Beatitudes, more men and women may be inspired to live out a vocation of service in the priesthood and consecrated life. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For those discerning their vocation, that they may find strength in Jesus’ promise to those who seek Him in humility and service. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For our parish, that we may create an environment where vocations to the priesthood and religious life are encouraged and supported. Let us pray to the Lord.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 23, 2025) – Luke 6:27-38
- For the Church, that more men and women may be inspired to serve others in the priesthood or religious life, responding faithfully to Jesus’ call. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For those discerning their vocation, that they may embrace Jesus’ message of mercy and generosity, finding strength to serve others selflessly as priests, religious brothers and sisters, or through sacramental marriage. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For families, that they may foster vocations by encouraging a spirit of love, forgiveness, and generosity in their homes. Let us pray to the Lord.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (March 2, 2025) – Luke 6:39-45
- For the Church, that as we are called to bear good fruit, many couples may be strengthened in their vocation of marriage, nurturing faith in their families and guiding their children to grow in love and service. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For all discerning a vocation, that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit to bear fruit in their lives by responding generously to God’s call. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For our parish, that we may be a community that nurtures and supports vocations, encouraging others to follow Christ’s example of self-giving love. Let us pray to the Lord.
- For young people discerning their vocation, that they may be inspired by the witness of those in consecrated life and consider a life of service to God’s people. Let us pray to the Lord.