MORE INFO: David Schmidt, Director, Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life 330-744-8451 or
YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO –The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, will celebrate a special Mass on October 16, 2022, 2:00 p.m. at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist, Canton to mark the wedding anniversaries of 57 couples who are being honored for a total of 2,725 years of wedded life ranging from 25 to 65 years.
Seven couples are celebrating 65 years of marriage: Pierre and Jean Joliat and Bruce and Jacqueline Hodgkins, both from the Basilica of St. John the Baptist; Thomas and Nancy Adley of St. Barbara Parish, Massillon; R. Glenn and Onita Frank of St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish, Canton; Donald and Erma Tabellion of St. Joseph Parish, Canton; Thomas Jr. and Rocio Ann Strohmeyer and Robert and Velda Holtgreive, both from St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Canton. Other couples celebrating include: 11 couples married 51-61 years; 17 couples married 50 years; 16 couples will observe 40 years; and 6 couples will mark 25 years.
The Wedding Anniversary Celebration includes renewal of marriage vows at Mass and a personalized certificate. A reception will be held for the honored couples and their families following the Mass in the School Hall, hosted by members of the St. John Guild.