CCO Resources for 2025 EdChoice Campaign (Bulletin Materials)

The Catholic Conference of Ohio has compiled several resources which Catholic parishes and schools across Ohio may choose to share during Catholic Schools Week, or anytime. The campaign highlights the EdChoice scholarships that make a Catholic education more affordable for ALL families in Ohio. All resources, including bulletin/newsletter entries, a FAQ and Did You Know guide, verbal announcement, and social media posts, can be downloaded from the 2025 EdChoice Campaign Google Drive >


Please Note: the resources include a two-sided Frequently Asked Questions and Did You Know handout about the scholarships and facts about Ohio Catholic schools. CCO will also release a video on Sunday, January 26th featuring parent and student testimony about how a Catholic education and the EdChoice scholarships have impacted their lives. CCO will be sharing all resources on their website ( and social channels (IG, FB, X, LinkedIn) to make it easy to share.


If you have any questions, reach out to the CCO Associate Director of Communications, Michelle Duffey, at

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