Communique | February 2023

black cross in ash on person's forehead

God Calls You by Name

Events in February invite us to reflect on God’s universal call to conversion of heart, and one’s specific call to marriage, clergy, religious community, and single life.

The Communique collects important information provided by diocesan offices for parish ministry leaders. It also includes promotional materials for diocesan events and programs, where applicable.

Printable Formats (sent by email)

  • February Communique Word
  • February Communique PDF

Attachments are now provided as downloadable files in one folder:

Digital Format:

The full Communique – including attachments – is available below digitally. Announcements are listed by diocesan departments and office. We are once again accepting submissions for parish events, which are listed by County.

Announcements suitable or adaptable for parish bulletins are noted. Where applicable, graphic files are included: click (or right click) to save/download. Attachments (e.g. flyers) are also included within the notices for each office below.

Diocesan Events can also be found on our Events Calendar.

Corrections as of 1/24/23: 

  • (Youth & Young Adult Ministry) ADD: All Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s are invited to join the next Spirits and Spirituality gathering on Thursday, February 23, 2023, 6:30pm at Royal Docks Brewing Co., 2668 Easton St. NE, Canton OH 44721  (Plain Township location). Fr. Connor Hetzel will present.
  • (Youth & Young Adult Ministry) Eagle of the Cross Award Nominations are due Monday, February 13 at 3pm (not Feb. 3).
  • The next Eucharistic Revival is at St. Patrick’s Parish (Hubbard) on February 12 at 1:00pm (not January 12).
  • (Office of Catholic Schools) In the Good Samaritan Scholarship blurb, removed a duplicate period (.) and duplicate “December 31, 2023.” 
  • Print version says “First Friday Club of Greater Cleveland”, blurb should read “First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown”

Quote of the Month

If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 95:8

“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” -Psalm 95:8

For more Catholic inspiration, connect with the Diocese of Youngstown on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube.

CORRECTION: The January 2023 Communique Quote of the Month misattributed the Eucharistic Revival photo location to St. Paul Parish on September 24, 2022. It was taken at Sts. Mary and Joseph Parish on October 23, 2022. 

Table of Contents


Office of Safe Environment (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)

Safe Environment Bulletin Announcements (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)

The attached bulletin announcement regarding education, screening, reporting, and victim assistance, should be included bi-monthly (every two months) in all parish bulletins. 

Safe Environment Policy

Link: Safe Environment Page

Link: Background Check Requirements

Who needs to be compliant?
  1. All active clergy, religious, seminarians, and persons in formation are required to be compliant.
  2. All employees in parishes, schools, and institutions, including the Diocesan Central Offices, are required to be compliant regardless of their level of contact with children or vulnerable adults.
  3. Any volunteer who has unsupervised access to a child or vulnerable adult, or who works directly with a child or vulnerable adult, or who is responsible for a child or vulnerable adult on behalf of the Diocese, must be compliant.
Compliance Requirements (Available on the Safe Environment Page)
  1. VIRTUS Account Creation and VIRTUS Training
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to create an account and complete the online training in either English or Spanish.
    2. If you completed VIRTUS in a different diocese you can transfer or mirror your account by emailing a request to the VIRTUS online help desk (  Please include your full name, email address, original diocese and new diocese, your new parish / school, plus a phone number in case they need to contact you.
    3. VIRTUS training is valid for five years.  An online recertification module is required every five years to maintain compliance.
    4. Aside from VIRTUS, child/vulnerable adult protection in-service or online courses from other agencies, employers, dioceses, Scouts, etc., are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown.
  2. Authorization & Verification and Acknowledgement Form (Appendix 9)
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to review an electronic copy of the Safe Environment Policy
    2. After you have reviewed this policy, print a copy of Appendix 9.  Both pages must be completed, and the document requires a witness signature for validity.  The witness can be anyone.
    3. The original must be submitted to the Compliance Officer at your parish, school, or institution.  The Compliance Officer will forward a copy to the diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator.
    4. Appendix 9 may not be edited.  If any lines of text are removed, crossed off, or altered, the document is not valid for compliance.
  3. Fingerprinting and Background Checks
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to review our background check requirements, codes, and instructions, a background check location finder, and a list of criminal offenses that automatically disqualify an applicant from working with children or vulnerable adults.
    2. A BCI or BCI/FBI background check is required for compliance. In extraordinary circumstances, the Office of Safe Environment reserves the right to alter background check requirements for individuals, unless the requirements are stipulated by the State of Ohio. This includes the right to require background checks from other background check providers besides the Civilian Identification Office.
    3. Background checks are valid for five years and must be renewed to maintain compliance.
    4. The Civilian Identification Office must send the BCI and/or FBI background check results directly to the Office of Safe Environment at the Diocese.  This needs to be communicated to the person doing the background check: Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Attn: Office of Safe Environment, 144 West Wood Street, Youngstown, OH 44503
    5. If background check results are sent to the wrong location, they are not valid for compliance.  Additionally, background checks completed for other agencies, employers, dioceses, public schools, certifications, etc., or in other States, are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown.
A person is not compliant until their VIRTUS account notes the dates of completion for all three compliance requirements (VIRTUS Training, Appendix 9, Background Check). 
Updating Information

Compliance Officers must submit a Change of Location Form to the Safe Environment Coordinator to add a new person to their Safe Environment Master Report or to request records from other locations.  Individuals can be removed/inactivated by emailing the Safe Environment Coordinator. Compliance Officers should monitor the compliance status of individuals at their location via the VIRTUS database.

Reporting Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse or Other Policy Violations

If you or someone you know has been abused at any time by a priest, deacon, religious, seminarian, person in formation, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Youngstown, or if you believe that abuse has occurred or is currently occurring, contact civil authorities and also Mr. Dominic Colucy, Victim Assistance Coordinator, (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.

To report a violation of the Safe Environment Policy that does not constitute abuse or suspected abuse contact Mr. Dominic Colucy, Safe Environment Coordinator, (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.

Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to find our most up-to-date Reporting Requirements and Procedures in English and Spanish, as well as links to additional reporting resources.

Questions or Concerns

For more information about the Diocese of Youngstown Safe Environment Policy, contact Mr. Dominic Colucy by mail: 144 W. Wood Street, Youngstown, OH  44503, phone: 330-744-8451 x293; fax: 330-744-5099; or e-mail:

Letters of Suitability

Please note that no priest or deacon may exercise ministry within the Diocese of Youngstown without being granted faculties/permission by the bishop. It is the obligation of the pastor of the parish where ministry or speaking engagement will occur (or other responsible person outside a parish setting) to ensure that the visiting cleric has obtained a letter of suitability. Without such a letter, the Diocese, the parish or school and the pastor or president could become legally liable should any wrongdoing occur. 

The visiting cleric himself should ask his bishop or religious superior to send a letter of suitability to Bishop Bonnar. Letters of suitability are to be sent from one bishop/superior to another, not directly to a parish, since it is the bishop who is responsible for determining a cleric’s suitability for ministry. 

If you have any questions, please contact Msgr. Zuraw, Vicar General.

EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL (Bulletin Materials)

Eucharistic Revival: Adoration and Holy Hour (Bulletin Materials) 

All are invited to join the second half of the Diocesan Year of Eucharistic Revival with opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Hours in a different county of the diocese each month. The Holy Hour will begin with a brief understanding of the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, followed by time spent in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Our next celebration will be:

Sunday, February 12 at 1:00pm at St. Patrick Parish (Hubbard)

Please consider joining us as we spend time in prayer with our Lord. 

In subsequent months, we will visit other parishes throughout the diocese, always on Sunday at 1:00pm:

  • Saint Joan of Arc Parish, Streetsboro (March 19)
  • Corpus Christi Parish, Conneaut (April 16)
  • Saint Jude Parish, Columbiana (May 21)

Please make sure to mark your calendar for the Holy Hour in your county.  

Schedule for Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Youngstown December 2022 to May 2023

Archives Office

Questions About Parish Records?

As we strive to preserve our history, we welcome questions and suggestions.  If you would like to ask about what to save or dispose of in your parish records, you are welcome to contact Joan Lawson, Archivist, at 330-744-8451 x290, or email

Bishop Bonnar's 2023 Pilgrimage-SOLD OUT!

More information about the diocese’s 80th Anniversary to come!

Canonical Services: Tribunal -NEW

An Invitation for World Marriage Day (Bulletin Materials) -NEW


TO: Deans, Pastors, Parochial Vicars, Deacons and Parish Leaders

FROM: The Tribunal

DATE: February 12, 2023

RE: Pastoral call to the Diocese on the subject of the sanctity of the marital covenant and the dignity of the Sacrament of Marriage

WHEN: In conjunction with World Marriage Day

HOW: A letter from the Bishop should be read at all of the Sunday Masses, or placed in the bulletin as an insert, inviting persons who are in a marriage which is not recognized by the Catholic Church to make their marriages right before Christ and the Church.

The parties are invited to meet with their pastors (parochial vicars or pastoral leaders) to make an inquiry concerning the recognition of their marriage by the Catholic Church. Couples living together without the benefit of marriage are also invited to make holy their relationship.

CELEBRATION: Once the necessary steps are taken, which will vary according to each situation, and once freedom to marry before the Church is established, then on a parish level the marriage shall be celebrated before the Church.


Bulletin Notice for the weekend of February 11-12, 2023:

An Invitation

Bishop Bonnar invites couples who are married civilly but not in the Church to inquire about beginning the validation process (“having your marriage recognized by the Church.”) Please contact the parish office at your earliest convenience to inquire about beginning the necessary steps leading to the validation of your marriage.

Tribunal In-Service Available

The Tribunal staff has made available an ongoing, in-service for pastors, associates, deacons, religious, directors of religious education, religious education coordinators and counselors in order to prepare them in facilitating pleas for nullity for persons within the community whose marriages have broken down and who may be seeking a second union recognized by the Church.

The in-service focuses on preparation of case histories, compilation of documents, witnesses and determining of the appropriate grounds of nullity. Covered also are other types of nullity procedures.

Size of the in-service is in small groups of between 8-12 participants and generally runs approximately two hours. The in-service is offered at either the offices of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Youngstown or at a parish in the Canton area.

Interested parties, who have not already registered or who need a “refresher” should call the Tribunal at (330) 744-8451, ext. 252, to have their names placed on the registrant list. You would then be contacted when there are at least eight registrants for a particular location.

Catholic Charities Services

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown -NEW

Save the Date! Voice of Hope Dinner, May 4, 2023 -NEW

Please save the date for the Annual Voice of Hope Dinner. This event celebrates the unity and identity of Catholic Charities’ Services in the Diocese of Youngstown, and raises funds to support our Basic Needs Assistance program.

The event will be held on Thursday, May 4th at The Grand Resort Ballroom in Warren, Ohio. We are honored to be joined by The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown. Watch for more details to come in the months to follow!

If you would like additional information please contact Jennifer Lucarelli at 330-744-8451, ext. 316 or or visit the website at

Catholic Charities Serving Stark and Portage Counties (Bulletin Materials)

Adult Day Services in Louisville is Accepting Participants (Bulletin Materials)

The Adult Day Services (ADS) facility operated by Catholic Charities serving Portage and Stark Counties is open and accepting participants on a limited basis. ADS offers a safe and secure environment for older adults in need of supervision or assistance with activities of daily living while family caregivers are at work or attending to other responsibilities. We have implemented strict pandemic related protocols to ensure the health and safety of participants and staff alike. Our well-maintained facility is located on the St. Joseph Senior Living Campus in Louisville, Ohio. For more information about the program, please call 330-875-7979 or send an email to Troy Cochran at

Office of Peace and Justice (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Prison Ministry Presents – Kolbe Gathering (Bulletin Materials) -NEW LOCATION

Youngstown meeting: Flyer and image attached.

NEW LOCATION! Starting February 2, 2023: Ravenna meeting at Immaculate Conception Parish Center: Flyer and postcard attached.

Kolbe Gathering is a place for the formerly incarcerated and their families to join with parish-based volunteers in spiritual support and fellowship. Embrace spirituality in prayer, music, scripture reading and fellowship, all in a welcoming and warm environment.

The Kolbe Gathering takes place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 6-8pm.

For further information about the Youngstown meeting contact R.J. Mangan, Director of Peace and Justice, at or 330.744.8451 x245.

For further information about the Ravenna meeting contact Eric Ruehr 330.221.4340 or Deacon Tim DeFrange 330.319.3908.

Catholic Relief Services – Rice Bowl (Bulletin Materials | Materiales del Boletín)


Lent is a time of repentance and of uniting ourselves to Christ during his 40 days in the desert. During this sacred season, CRS Rice Bowl—Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program—invites us to reflect on how caring for our neighbor is caring for Christ.  

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink.”  (Matthew 25:35)

CRS Rice Bowl provides resources to bring Lenten spirituality to life for families, parishes and school communities, while continuing to connect Catholics in our diocese with our global human family. As Jesus teaches in the Gospel story of the loaves of bread and the fish, your small offering can feed many, and what may seem like a little, can actually be a lot.

CRS Rice Bowl orders will automatically be shipped to parishes based on last year’s requests. Only those who haven’t ordered before or need to make changes to their order should contact R.J. Mangan, CRS Diocesan Director at 330-744-8451, or

To read more about Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl, please visit  Stories of hope celebrate the many lives that our Lenten journey touches. 

A planning guide is included with this communication, and a CRS kickoff video can be viewed here:

Catholic Campaign for Human Development;  Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award -NEW

Do you know a young faith-filled Catholic between the ages of 18-40 who has demonstrated leadership against poverty and injustice in the United States?  The Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award, an activity of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, recognizes the leadership, energy and diverse skills that young people bring to the anti-poverty work of low-income projects and Catholic parishes. The Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award highlights the gifts of young leaders and their Gospel commitment to the poor.

Joseph Cardinal Bernardin (1928-1996) demonstrated strong leadership to fulfill the option for the poor in the US and to build bridges across ethnic, class, and age barriers. Cardinal Bernardin began his ministry at a young age and was ordained a bishop while still in his thirties. In his role as the first bishop named General Secretary of the NCCB/USCC, he nurtured the vision for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and helped to shepherd it through its first years. He remained a strong supporter of CCHD while serving as Archbishop of Cincinnati and Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago. It has been said about Cardinal Bernardin that his gift was a vision to build consensus “that doesn’t just settle for what already exists, but moves us ahead to what is possible.”

The Bernardin Award is designed to:

  • Recognize new and future leadership against poverty and injustice
  • Promote young people as leaders in our communities
  • Honor outstanding young leaders and their organizations/ parishes
  • Strengthen the Catholic community’s participation in CCHD’s anti-poverty mission


The award would be given to a young Catholic, age 18-40, who demonstrates all of the following:

  • leadership consistent with the work and philosophy of CCHD to address the basic causes of economic poverty
  • a commitment to carry out the church’s option for and with those who are poor through empowerment and relationship building between those who are living in poverty and those who are not, and
  • potential for future leadership in these arenas.

Nominations Process

  • Deadline: August 31, 2023
  • Nominations may be submitted by a pastor, university faculty or staff, a local CCHD Diocesan Director, a CCHD-funded project, a mentor or a colleague.
  • The nominator should submit the nomination form, a one-page recommendation, and up to two pages of supplementary biographical information, by August 31.

Department of Communications

Catholic Exponent -NEW

Publication dates and special sections for The Exponent for the final two issues in 2023 are as follows:

  • February 10 (Special Sections: Careers & College Guide / American Heart Month)
  • February 24: The Legacy of The Exponent

The normal deadline for each issue is 12 days before the publication date. We try to get late information into the issue, but are sometimes limited by lack of available space. Thank you to all who have worked on and contributed to The Exponent over the years!

Please be sure to submit your Lenten announcements now if you want them included in The Exponent.

Announcing The Catholic Echo

The Diocese of Youngstown is pleased to announce a new print product, The Catholic Echo magazine, debuting in Spring 2023. Building on the 77-year legacy of The Catholic Exponent newspaper, which will produce its final issue in February 2023, The Catholic Echo magazine, website and supporting multimedia products will highlight all aspects of Catholic life across the six counties of the diocese—and a new circulation model will ensure that all registered parishioners in the diocese receive the publication with no subscription cost.

For more information, please see:

Multimedia | CTNY (Bulletin Materials) -NEW


Wineskins (Bulletin Materials)

Wineskins airs every Sunday: 

  • 7:30 a.m. on WKBN 570 AM in Youngstown
  • 7:30 a.m. on WRQX 600 AM in Salem
  • 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on WILB AM Canton 1060, WILB FM 89.5 Youngstown, WILB FM 94.5 Canton

Listen to Wineskins on the diocesan website at and click the Wineskins button. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates when we post a new episode:

Wineskins Schedule -NEW

February 5, 2023

  • Current Issue: Korda talks with Sr. Joyce Candidi, OSHJ.
  • Saint: Mariann Yeager from Christine in Youngstown tells us about St. Josephine Bakhita.
  • Interview: Korda will continue the series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Vocations.
  • Music: From the CD “Fill the Heavens” by Daughters of Paul.
  • Scripture: Ryan Furlong will tell us about the Scriptures for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.


February 12, 2023

  • Current Issue: John-Michael Lavelle talks about Marriage and Divorce.
  • Saint: Mariann Yeager from Christine in Youngstown tells us about St. Cyril and St. Methodius.
  • Interview: Korda will continue the series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Laity.
  • Music: From the CD “Fill the Heavens” by Daughters of Paul.
  • Scripture: Ryan Furlong will tell us about the Scriptures for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.


February 19, 2023

  • Current Issue: Korda talks with RJ Mangan from Catholic Charities.
  • Saint: Mariann Yeager from Christine in Youngstown tells us about The Chair of St. Peter.
  • Interview: Korda will continue the series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Revelation.
  • Music: From the CD “Fill the Heavens” by Daughters of Paul.
  • Scripture: Ryan Furlong will tell us about the Scriptures for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.


February 26, 2023

  • Current Issue: Korda talks with Fr. Michael Balash about The Lenten Season.
  • Saint: Mariann Yeager from Christine in Youngstown tells us about St. Katharine Drexel.
  • Interview: Korda will continue the series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Religious Freedom.
  • Music: From the CD “Fill the Heavens” by Daughters of Paul.
  • Scripture: Ryan Furlong will tell us about the Scriptures for The First Sunday of Lent.
How to Watch the Mass for Shut-Ins

The diocese continues to produce the Mass for Shut-Ins. The Mass may be viewed the following ways:


In Youngstown, Warren, Mahoning Valley:

  • On WFMJ TV-21: Sundays at 6 a.m.
  • On Armstrong Cable Channel 45: Sundays at 8 a.m., noon, 7 p.m., for the time being.
Currently, a technical difficulty was making it unavailable on Spectrum Cable Channel 9, 13, or 14 in the Youngstown-Warren area.
In Stark County:
  • On Spectrum Cable in Canton – Channel 989: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
  • On Massillon Cable Channel 128: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
  • On WIVM TV-39: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

In nursing homes and prisons:

  • The diocese continues to make its televised Mass available in 10 nursing homes and 3 prisons. For more information, contact Bob Gavalier at 330-533-2243. 

Any further updates to diocesan cable TV programming will be noted at

Media Relations

1. Parishes and other diocesan entities who receive inquiries from the media are asked to consult with Justin Huyck, Director of Communications: (330) 744-8451, ext. 320;

2. Please also kindly inform the Communications Department when your programs, initiatives, and ministries are featured in the news media.

3. The Communications Department is available to consult on news releases regarding events and initiatives. Processes will continue to be developed to assist these efforts.

Office of Social Media -NEW

1. 2022- 2023 Social Media Profile Report Form 

Catholic institutions, parishes and schools in the Diocese of Youngstown are asked to complete a 2022-2023 Social Media Profile so that we know what is currently being used around the diocese and to help network those seeking support in various areas.  

Click on the link to complete:

Please note that the contact person listed in the profile will receive period emails from the diocese to support his/her work. The information also helps us to support your efforts by occasionally sharing/retweeting.

2. DOY Social Media Networking Facebook Group for Social Media Contacts

Ongoing networking regarding social media can be found on Facebook in a private group by searching for “DOY Social Media Networking” or click:

This is a great place to share resources, ask questions and meet others around the diocese doing social media for their parishes, schools, offices and agencies. You can also share upcoming events that you’d like to invite others to so they can share in social media as well. This is also a key way the Social Media Minister is sharing insights as to avoid overwhelming contacts email boxes. 

3. Social Media Helpful Hint of the Month – reminder about photo copyrights -NEW

Be aware that there are companies that larger companies hire to “go after” copyright infringements. This means that people (or their computer algorithm bots) are scrolling through social media sites, websites, etc. to seek out copyrighted images (photos and videos.) So, please remember that if you are using stock images (from any source aside from your own local creations), make sure you check on the way they want the work credited. Even on the “public domain” sites, which used to easily mean free use, many offer some copyrighted/reserved rights options along-side the “free use” options.          If you pay for image usage (a la Getty, iStock), read the agreement to see if images should be credited as well. (Note: at the time of this writing, Canva does not require photo credit.) Now, it is best to always assume images are protected by copyright, unless otherwise designated.

A suggested format for credit (if not otherwise prescribed by the image source): Image owner’s name, name of image, date of image, link to source.

Alternatively, if the owner is connected to your social media account, you can use their tag (@name) for credit.

If you are using an image from a “public domain” site that does list the creator, it may be good practice to start attributing that in your posts, i.e. “Photo by Jeremy

Bishop on Unsplash” or Image by Shawn Arron via Flickr.”

Bonus hint: Speaking of Flickr, they have the option to search images with “no known copyright restrictions” in the drop-down menu!

Also know that giving credit on its own does not entitle you to use an image that you find on the internet. For instance, an image published under an “All Rights Reserved” license (the default copyright grant, unless stated otherwise), means no rights are granted for any use. You must get explicit permission from the rights-holder, and/or secure a license before you use the image.

In the March and April 2022 Issues of the Communique’, we shared some ideas on photos/copyrights and creating your own “stock” photos for use.

To read more on this topic of copyrights, visit:

If you have any questions or ideas for future Helpful Hints, feel free to contact Cindee Case,

Internal Communications -NEW

New Email List for Internal Communications Staff -NEW
As a reminder, the last edition of the Exponent will come out at the end of February. As we transition to The Catholic Echo website and 10x year magazine, among other changes, the Communications Department is using this opportunity to update the way we internally collect and distribute announcements for the Catholic community in the six counties of our diocese. 
For this reason, we invite you to join an email list for staff at Catholic parishes, schools, central offices, and other Catholic organizations who communicate with Catholics in the Diocese of Youngstown:
More than one staff person from each organization can join, and you do not need an email address. In addition to relevant announcements about submitting information for the DOY Catholic Directory, The Catholic Echo and more, this will allow us to invite you to periodic workshops or networking events with other Catholic communications professionals in the six counties of our diocese.
Join this list if your job includes: 
  • Editing the bulletin/newsletter
  • Updating the website
  • Sending internal email announcements (to parishioners, parents, etc.)
  • Sending updates for the DOY Catholic Directory 
  • Sending promotional materials to the Communique, (currently) Exponent Datebook, or other Catholic publications
Questions? Contact Meagen Farrell at or 330.744.8451 x275.

Clergy and Religious Services

Office of Clergy Services

1. New Order of Penance

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, USCCB President issued a promulgation decree on June 24, 2022, for the recently confirmed Order of Penance.  The new translation may be used beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, and the date for obligatory use has been set for Sunday, April 16, 2023.  

Four publishers will produce ritual editions for use in the United States. Some presales began October 1, 2022: 

  1. Catholic Book Publishing Corp:
  2. Liturgy Training Publications:
  3. Magnificat:
  4. and Midwest Theological Forum:
2. The Light is On For You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation

The Light is On For You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation will return this year and be celebrated on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Every parish should plan to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation that evening either by scheduling a Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service with neighboring/collaborating parishes or individual reconciliation. The Office of Worship will provide materials in the coming months.

3. Hospice of the Valley Volunteer Training Classes (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Hospice of the Valley is offering training classes for new volunteers.  With Bishop Bonnar’s heartfelt support, please see the attached flyer.  If there is space in your bulletin please post this information.

Office of Vocations -NEW

Seminarian Pastoral Intern

The following Seminarian has been assigned as a Pastoral Intern for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Mr. Travis Seagraves: Our Lady of Peace, Ashtabula

Please remember him, the people of Ashtabula, and all of our seminarians in your prayers.

Seminarian Posters and Prayer Cards

The Seminarian Posters and Prayer Cards are now available! They are being mailed directly to parishes. There are a limited number of extra prayer cards and posters. If you would like any additional cards or posters, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or

Vocation Director at Your Parish / School

If you have a special youth ministry, parish, retreat, or vocational event, that you would like the Diocesan Vocation Director to attend, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Come and See the Seminary: February 10-12, 2023 (Bulletin Materials)

Saint Mary Seminary & Borromeo Seminary are once again offering “Come and See” Weekends. These are opportunities for men who are open to priesthood formation can experience life in the Seminary. The next Come and See Weekend is scheduled for February 10-12, 2023. If you know of anyone interested in this time of prayer, discovery, and discernment, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Image attached

Seminarian Visits to Your School or Parish

Please remember all of the seminarians we have currently studying in our diocese. They are all willing and available to come and speak at your parish or school. To schedule, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

“Discovery Days” [Seminary Field Trips]

Considered having your school go on a field trip to the Seminary to see what it’s all about? There are many opportunities for 7th/8th grade and High School visits to Saint Mary Seminary & Graduate School of Theology in Cleveland. For more information, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Vocation Intercessions and Bulletin Blurbs (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Click the links below or see the Communiqué attachments folder for vocation intercessions and bulletin blurbs for the month of February. Please use these in your bulletins and at Mass to help promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in your parish community and school.

Vocations Social Media
Winterfest: St. Mary Seminary Fundraiser (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Full Page Flyer PDF 

Sample Bulletin Blurb: 

After a two-year hiatus, Winterfest is back! For those unaware, Winterfest is the annual fundraiser put on by seminarians with proceeds going toward the St Mary Seminary’s Student Activities fund. This fund is what supports all our extra-curricular activities, like going to the Cleveland Guardians games or the Cleveland Orchestra. The event is held on the seminary campus, with opportunities to meet our seminarians, eat some good food, and possibly take home a raffle basket. The event will feature some staple Eastern European cuisine, raffle opportunities, and tours of the newly renovated rooms and student lounge. This is a great time to see what the seminary is all about. All are welcome!

Details for the event are as follows:

  • Date: Saturday, February 11th, 2023
  • Time: 5:00-7:30 PM
  • Location: 28700 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH 44092
  • Meal Prices: Adults – $15 ~ Children 12 and under – $8

Office of Vowed Religious

World Day for Consecrated Life: February 5, 2023

Please mark your calendars. Sunday, February 5, 2023, Bishop Bonnar will celebrate the gift of religious life at St. Columba Cathedral, at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.  All religious who have or are currently living and or working in the diocese are encouraged to attend.  The Youngstown Vocations Society will provide a social following the liturgy. We encourage parishes to remember this day during their weekend liturgies and to recognize any religious who serve in the parish.

Religious Jubilee Celebration

Religious sisters, brothers, and priests will celebrate the Jubilees of all religious who served in the Diocese of Youngstown on Saturday, March 25, 2023, at St. John’s Basilica, Canton, Ohio.  Bishop David Bonnar will be the principal celebrant.  The day begins with a Social at 1:15 p.m. followed by a dinner and speaker.  Mass will be at 4:00 p.m.

Religious Returning or New to the Diocese

If you know of any religious sisters, brothers, or priests, who are new or returning to the diocese, and are living, working, or studying within the diocese, kindly ask them to contact this office at (330) 744-8451, ext. 238.

Development and Stewardship Offices

Office of the Annual Diocesan Appeal (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW


Beginning the weekend of February 18th & 19th, the Diocese of Youngstown will celebrate the last weekend of Ordinary Time before we enter the season of Lent. It is also the weekend that we as a diocesan family come together to assure the continued work of Charity and the ministries of the Church through our commitment to the Annual Diocesan Appeal: One in Hope, One in Mission. While donors to the appeal in previous years will begin receiving information throughout the early weeks of February, the official Announcement Weekend is February 18th & 19th. The three weekends to follow will be our Commitment Weekends. As with the most recent years, our goal will be $4,000,000. We are confident that with everyone working together, we will be able to achieve our goal. Please make sure to check your emails, along with the diocesan website –, as information and materials develop. United, may we truly be a people of Hope and Mission in our world.

A flyer for the appeal is attached, and further promotional materials are forthcoming. Priests and diocesan pastoral associates are reminded of the launch meeting on Tuesday, January 31, with participation expected of all pastors, parochial vicars, and diocesan pastoral associates – please contact Father Lavelle to RSVP:

Father John-Michael Lavelle’s 2023 appeal details are coming soon at

Bulletin Cover/Insert for the Weekend of February 18-29, 2023 (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Download the file: Bulletin Cover/Insert for the weekend of February 18-19, 2023

Office of Development and Stewardship

Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts (Bulletin Materials | Materiales del Boletín) -NEW

“Let us focus on generosity, or returning God’s gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure.”

It is recommended that every week, in every parish, a stewardship reflection should be included in the weekly bulletin.

Please see this website for upcoming Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts in English y Reflexiones del Boletín de Corresponsibilidad en español:

This month’s Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts in English & Spanish are available for download from this month’s Attachments folder.

Pastoral and Educational Services

Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry -NEW

1. Check Out the Adult Formation Courses -NEW

New adult faith formation courses beginning in January, during Lent and into the Easter Season are available. Please visit Catechist Cafe at under the tab “For Catechists” for a full listing of courses and descriptions offered online this winter. These new learning opportunities are not just for catechists; all courses are open to anyone wanting to grow in their faith. Everyone is welcome to participate. No prior knowledge of the topic is required. If you have any questions about adult faith formation, please contact Margie Hynes or Barbara Walko at 330-744-8451 ext. 296 or 301. 

2. Spiritual Growth for Lent. Check out the Library!

Small faith communities, women’s groups, men’s groups, young adults, families, and other age or life stage clusters of parishioners can benefit from a structured book study or video assisted presentation on sacred scripture, a papal encyclical, and other faith topics during the season of Lent. Encourage leaders to visit the library in person (no appointment necessary) or online at to search for topics for a variety of interests. Many of the resources include a facilitator’s guide and sample session designs to enhance the user-friendly approach to spiritual growth and increase appreciation of the richness of the Catholic Tradition. We welcome questions and are ready to assist in selecting from a wide selection of authentic Catholic resources.

3. Books for Lent -NEW

Stations of the Cross: Loyola Learning Tools. Loyola Press, 2016. The Stations of the Cross booklet is a simple resource with visuals to help children walk through the journey of Jesus Christ through Lent.

Hope From the Ashes: Insights and Resources for Welcoming Lenten Visitors. Paul Jarzembowski. Paulist Press, 2022. Each year on Ash Wednesday, millions of people – many who are not particularly active in the practice of their faith for one reason or another – return to church to receive ashes, including a significant number of young adults in their 20s and 30s. Even more of them engage in some form of Lenten tradition in their personal lives during the forty days that
follow. This momentary experience, though, is an occasion of hope for the Church. As the world moves through uncertain times, this annual phenomenon seems to touch the heart and soul of so many people, as it has for centuries. For ages, the Lenten season has been a source of refuge and stability in the midst of anxiety and crisis. More importantly, though, is the hope that comes from active Catholics and church leaders who respond to this experience in a spirit of compassion, pastoral care, and intentional accompaniment. Through the lens of the Scripture readings heard every Ash Wednesday, this book will help readers understand what they can do in their annual preparation for Lent, as well as what they can do on Ash Wednesday, throughout the Lenten season, and beyond.

Bringing Lent Home with Pope Francis: Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families. Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle. Ave Maria Press, 2015. This timely fourth title in the Bringing Lent Home series invites families with children to let the wisdom and spiritual insight of Pope Francis be their guide through Lent. The story of the popular Holy Father’s life, brief words of inspiration from him, and a variety of prayers and activities are included for each of the 40 days of Lent.

Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

1. Homily Hints – Pro-Life Ponderings (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

The scriptures present many opportunities to convey the Gospel of life. Below are a few examples. 

Any time the subject of abortion is addressed in a homily, it is prudent to remind the listeners that reconciliation and healing are available to those with abortion in their past through the Church’s Project Rachel Ministry ( or 330-360-0430).

February 5: The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 58:7-10 – The prophet Isaiah reminds us of God’s command to care for the hungry, oppressed, homeless and naked. We could easily add to the list moms in need and their unborn children. 

February 12: The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20 – The Book of Sirach says: “Before man are life and death, good and evil, whichever he chooses shall be given him.” May we always choose life and help others to do the same.

2. Project Rachel Outreach – February Message (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Abortion wounds relationships. God’s love heals. For CONFIDENTIAL help text or call Project Rachel of Northeast Ohio at 330-360-0430 or go to

3. Intercessions for Life and Pro-Life Bulletin Briefs

Recommended intercessions and bulletin briefs for December, prepared by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, may be found at

4. Walking with Moms in Need

In March, Bishop Bonnar wrote to all pastors encouraging the implementation of Walking with Moms in Need in their parishes. This initiative from the USCCB is to help parishes come alongside and accompany pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties. Find out more about our local efforts and resources at 

The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life is piloting Walking with Moms in Need in the Eastern Stark County Region of our diocese and has held information meetings in Mahoning, Stark and Portage Counties. Anyone interested in establishing this important effort in their parish or region may contact Dave Schmidt at or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.

5. Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day -NEW DATES

The next diocesan-sponsored one-day marriage preparation retreat days for engaged couples will be held Saturdays, February 4 and March 4, in the social hall at St. Columba Cathedral. Reservations are required. Registration information may be found at or go to at the “Ministries” drop-down menu and click on “Pro-Life, Marriage & Family Life.” 

Direct link for registration:

For more information on this, and other opportunities for marriage preparation formation, contact or 330-744-8451, ext.272.

6. St. Joseph Church, Austintown, Offers DivorceCare Support Group Free of Charge (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW

DivorceCare is a 13-week course/discussion group for those who are going through or have gone through a separation or divorce. It addresses through education and discussion the most common issues associated with divorce/separation and promotes powerful healing so that you can move on to build a new life filled with promise and hope. The three components of DivorceCare are inspiring and educational video presentations, supportive and safe group discussions facilitated by trained facilitators who have experienced divorce, and resources for home use. 

DivorceCare will be offered at St. Joseph Church in Austintown for 13 consecutive Mondays, 6:30-8:00 pm beginning on February 6. Contact Jim Merhaut at to reserve your spot, or visit the St. Joseph website,, for more information and to register online. You may also call 330-792-1919. Meetings will be held in the Mackin Room in the St. Joseph School building. There is no fee for participation.

7. National Marriage Week: February 7 – 14 & World Marriage Day: Sunday, February 12

National Marriage Week is February 7-14. In addition, World Marriage Sunday will be commemorated on February 12. This year’s theme, “Marriage…one flesh, given and received” highlights the one-flesh union of husband and wife that is willed by God. It also indicates the personal self-gift of each spouse, one to the other. These concepts point to Christ who gives Himself under the appearance of bread and wine—as real flesh and blood. Look for more information at


8. Annual White Mass for all Health Professionals Including Mental Health Workers (Bulletin Materials)

The Annual White Mass – celebrating and recognizing the ministry and work of those in the health professions – will be held on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Columba located at 154 W. Wood St. in Youngstown. Bishop David J. Bonnar will preside. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall. All are welcome. For more information call 330-744-8451 ext.272 or contact

In gratitude for those in healthcare, mental health and healing professions
9. Next Wedding Anniversary Celebration on May 7 -NEW

Couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries will be honored at a wedding anniversary celebration at St. Columba Cathedral on Sunday, May 7, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. The celebration includes Mass with Bishop Bonnar, renewal of marriage vows, a personalized certificate for each couple, followed by a simple reception for the couples and their families. A second anniversary celebration will take place at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist Church in Canton on Sunday, October 15, 2023; at 2:00 p.m. Registration information for the May celebration will be sent to parishes by the beginning of March. For more information contact 330-744-8451ext.272 or

10. Mark Your Calendars: Ohio March for Life – October 6, at the Statehouse in Columbus -NEW

The second annual Ohio March for Life will take place on Friday, October 6, 2023 in Columbus beginning with an 11:00 a.m. Rally at the Statehouse before the March takes place at Noon. More details to come. For more information contact or 330-744-8451 ext.272.

Office of Worship -NEW

1. New Order of Penance

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, USCCB President issued a promulgation decree on June 24, 2022 for the recently confirmed Order of Penance.  The new translation may be used beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, and the date for obligatory use has been set for Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Four publishers will produce ritual editions for use in the United States. Some presales began October 1, 2022: 

  1. Catholic Book Publishing Corp:
  2. Liturgy Training Publications:
  3. Magnificat:
  4. and Midwest Theological Forum
2. New Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

In anticipation of the new Order of Christian of Adults, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions is excited to announce a FREE webinar series on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) beginning in September 2022 and continuing through February 2022.  The webinars will be offered in both English and Spanish and can be joined live or by viewing the recording.

For a schedule of dates, topics and presenters please visit: 

The webinars are open to all those involved in Initiation Ministry and OCIA Parish Team Members.

3. Easter Vigil – April 8, 2023

The Easter Vigil will be on Saturday, April 8, 2023.  The Roman Missal states that, “the entire celebration of the Easter Vigil must take place during the night, so that it begins after nightfall…”  Furthermore, the Priest Policy Handbook states that the Easter Vigil “is not to take place at the time of the ordinary anticipated Mass for Sunday,” (cf. Faculties and Permissions, Section V, pg. 10).  In the Diocese of Youngstown, sunset on April 8, 2023, will be at 7:54 p.m. and the end of civil twilight will be at 8:23 p.m.  It is current diocesan policy that the starting time for the Easter Vigil throughout the diocese be at 8:00 p.m. or later.  This starting time respects the current liturgical guidelines and diocesan policy.  Furthermore it makes the Easter Vigil distinctive from the ordinary anticipated Mass for Sunday and alleviates any confusion among parishes.  Therefore the Easter Vigil is not to begin before 8:00 p.m.  Please note that because daylight savings time begins each year in early March, the recommended start time of Easter Vigil will never be before 8 p.m. 

4. The Light is On for You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation

The Light is On for You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation will return this year and be celebrated on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.  Every parish should plan to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation that evening either by scheduling a Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service with neighboring/collaborating parishes or individual reconciliation.  The Office of Worship will provide materials in the coming months.

5. Eucharist:  The Work of Our Redemption

In response to Pope Francis’ call for a “serious and dynamic liturgical formation.” (Desiderio Desideravi #21) the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FLDC) is pleased to offer a five-part Lenten series which will explore the Mass –“Eucharist: The Work of our Redemption.”  This is offered in harmony with the United States Bishop’s campaign for a Eucharistic Revival.

The webinar series will be held February 23 – March 23, 2023.  The sessions will be offered live each Thursday in Lent at 1:00 p.m. (eastern) and will be 75 minutes in length to include time for questions and answers.  The sessions will also be recorded so that registered participants can view it at a convenient time.

The webinars are FREE and online registration is now open:  The schedule includes:

Feb. 23 – Celebration of the Paschal Mystery: Theological Foundations. Dr. James Starke – Professor of Liturgy and Sacraments Mt. St. Mary University Baltimore

Mar. 2 – The Church at Prayer: The Introductory Rites. Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman CPPS, Founding Director Institute for Liturgical Ministry

Mar. 9 – Proclamation and Response: The Liturgy of the Word. Rev. Regis Armstrong, OFM Cap, Professor Emeritus, Catholic University of America

Mar. 16 – Joining in the Sacrifice: The Liturgy of the Eucharist. Rev. Matthew Ernest, Director, Office of Worship, Archdiocese of New York

Mar. 23 – Glorifying the Lord by Your Life: The Concluding Rite. Rev. Ajani Gibson, Parochial Vicar, St. Peter Claver Parish, Archdiocese of New Orleans

6. Liturgical Directory

The Liturgical Directory contains valuable information about Liturgy Committees; liturgical minister formation guidelines; guidelines for the celebration of sacraments; music in liturgical celebrations; and art and architecture directives. 

The directory can be accessed and downloaded by clicking the button below or visiting the DOY Office of Worship page:

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Eagle of the Cross -NEW

Eagle of the Cross Award nomination forms have been sent out and are due no later than 3pm on Monday, February 13, 2023. Contact Fr. Ryan with any questions.

Nomination Form

Event Page with Details:

Confirmation Retreat & Diocesan Events

Fr. Ryan Furlong and Fr. Chad Johnson are teaming up to create a diocesan confirmation retreat.  Please contact them if interested at or

Fr. Ryan is working with a diocesan planning council to plan and coordinate diocesan events. Please contact him for more information or ways you can help at

Spirits and Spirituality: Music for the Soul (Canton) (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW

All Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s are invited to join the next Spirits and Spirituality gathering on Thursday, January 26, 2023, 6:30pm at Royal Docks Brewing Co., 2668 Easton St. NE, Canton OH 44721  (Plain Township location). Jeff Fricker will present “Music for the Soul.”

All Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s are invited to join the next Spirits and Spirituality gathering on Thursday, February 23, 2023, 6:30pm at Royal Docks Brewing Co., 2668 Easton St. NE, Canton OH 44721  (Plain Township location). Fr. Connor Hetzel will present.

For details, contact or follow Spirits and Spirituality on Facebook at

DWELL Seven-Week Women’s Study on the Eucharist

There will be a seven-week women’s study on the Eucharist at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 4453 Warren-Sharon Rd, Vienna OH 44473 beginning January 9.  Adoration from 5:30 – 6:30 pm followed by group discussion at 6:30 – 7:30 pm. To register, contact Fr. Ryan at or call St. Thomas Apostle Parish at 330-394-2491.

“Into the Breach”

A young men’s study on virtue will be coming to St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Vienna this Spring. Look for more details soon. Questions? Contact Fr. Ryan at or call St. Thomas Apostle Parish at 330-394-2491.

Office of Catholic Schools -NEW

Nominations for Golden Apple Award -NEW

Event page with details: 

MORE INFO on the Golden Apple Award:  Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Youngstown, (330) 744-8451,

Through the generosity of the Donahue Family Foundation, the Golden Apple Award, already established in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, has been extended to the Diocese of Youngstown to honor outstanding individuals who devote their lives to teaching in Catholic schools. The Diocese recognizes and deeply appreciates the unique charge these teachers and administrator have to the development of each student.

All Golden Apple Award Nominations (7 copies) are due to the Office of Catholic Schools on February 8, 2023.

The Golden Apple Award will be given to six teachers, up to two high school teachers, and the remainder to elementary teachers. One principal will also receive a Golden Apple Award. The award will consist of a cash award of $5,000, a certificate, a Golden Apple paperweight, and a Golden Apple lapel pin. All will be presented at a ceremony during an awards banquet on May 3, 2023.

The candidate must be:

  • a practicing Catholic,
  • a full-time PreK-12 classroom teacher with a Bachelor’s degree or higher and a current and valid license for the position(s) he or she holds,
  • a principal or associate principal with a valid and appropriate license for the position(s) he or she holds,
  • and must have completed a minimum of three full years of teaching in a secondary or elementary school within the Diocese of Youngstown.

Please download and complete the attached nomination forms:

GA Teacher Application 22-23

GA Principal Nomination Forms 2022-23

Catholic Schools Week (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW


Individual Catholic schools have planned a variety of events throughout Catholic Schools Week to recognize what makes Catholic education unique. The national daily themes are:

  • Sunday, January 29: Celebrating Your Parish
  • Monday, January 30: Celebrating Your Community
  • Tuesday, January 31: Celebrating Your Students
  • Wednesday, February 1: Celebrating the Nation
  • Thursday, February 2: Celebrating Vocations
  • Friday, February 3: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
  • Saturday, February 4: Celebrating Families


Bulletin Blurb 

PLEASE JOIN US for our annual celebration of National Catholic Schools Week, beginning Sunday, January 29, 2023. The theme, “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” highlights our focus on faith development, academic excellence and dedication to community service. This week is an opportunity to show how we’re doing this as a community in the Diocese of Youngstown.

Good Samaritan Scholarship Fund (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW

As a result of legislation passed in 2021, Ohio taxpayers who wish to support Catholic education in Ohio now have the opportunity to receive an income tax credit. The Office of Catholic Schools is excited to announce the availability of additional financial assistance through the newly established Scholarship Granted Organization (SGO): Good Samaritan Scholarship Fund. Donations to the Good Samaritan Scholarship Fund will be utilized to award scholarships to students attending Catholic schools in the Diocese of Youngstown with a priority to support low-income families that seek high quality educational opportunities for their children.


After a soft opening of the Good Samaritan Scholarship Fund in December of 2022, the Fund has $290,000 available to distribute to families for the 2023-2024 school year. To apply for tuition assistance for the 2023-24 school year, families must use the FACTS tuition management system to complete the application at The application period is from December 1st through March 1st, 2023,  with the awards announced in early May.

Donations received between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 will be used to fund tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year.   Donors to the fund can designate their tax credit to go to either into the general Diocesan fund or to benefit students in a particular school.  Give online today by visiting

Diocese of Youngstown Foundation Tuition Assistance Fund (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

The Good Samaritan Scholarship Fund joins the Diocese of Youngstown Foundation Tuition Assistance Fund as another source of support to help Catholic education be more affordable for families.  Applications are also made online at  All completed application materials should be uploaded by March 1, 2023.


The Necrology (In Memoriam) for Diocesan Clergy is now available online!

Many thanks to Robalyne Sciubba for keeping the printable Necrology updated.

Gratitude to Rev. Joseph Ruggieri who has created a Google calendar to help you pray by date.

Diocesan Cemeteries (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm on Fridays

Flyer: Divine Mercy Chaplet at Cemeteries

Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of the Diocese of Youngstown will be offering The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayer Service in the chapels of our 4 Cemeteries at 3:00pm every Friday at alternating locations.

  1. First Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Youngstown.
  2. Second Friday of the month at Resurrection Cemetery Chapel in Austintown.
  3. Third Friday of the month at All Souls Cemetery Chapel in Cortland.
  4. Fourth Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Massillon.
Rosary at Calvary Cemetery (Youngstown) and All Souls Cemetery (Cortland)** -NEW LOCATION


Join us as we pray the Rosary at Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 in the Chapel. We will be led by the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart. All are welcome.

Join us as we pray the Rosary at All Souls Cemetery in Cortland on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00am in the Chapel. We will be led by the Parish Visitors of the Mary Immaculate from Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome.

Lunch and Learn: Planning Ahead as a Gift of Love | Feb 15 at Resurrection Cemetery (Austintown) (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW


Lunch and Learn about Planning Ahead as a Gift of Love. You and a guest are cordially invited to a complimentary lunch at Resurrection Cemetery on February 15, 2023, at 1:00pm. Important pre-planning information will be discussed. All attendees will receive a free planning guide. Please R.S.V.P. by February 8 to Jim Stein at or (330) 792-4721. All are welcome.

Parish Events

Send events and news for the Communique to by the 15th of the preceding month. Next deadline: February 15.

Are you planning a parish music event? Please contact/copy Diocesan Director of Music Ralph Holtzhauser at


Mahoning County | First Friday Club | Dr. Louis Zona on “Art and the Spirit” in March** -NEW

Dr. Louis Zona – Full Page Flyer


Integrating the principles of religious faith into our everyday lives and work.


Mahoning County | First Friday Club in February (Bulletin Materials)

Full Page Flyer

Join the First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown for a luncheon on the first Thursday on February 2, 2023 at Avion on the Water Banquet Center, 2177 W. Western Reserve Road in Canfield. 

We will hear about Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation: Christus Vivit from Diana Hancharenko who currently serves St. Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown, Ohio as Parish Director of Young Adult Ministry. Diana serves the USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth as a Committee Consultant as chairperson of the USCCB’s National Advisory Team for Young Adult Ministry and the Bishops’ Working Group for Youth and Young Adults.

There will be an opportunity for participants’ questions to follow. Note the special time: dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. with the presentation beginning afterwards. The cost is $20.00. Call by November 23, 2022, 330-720-4498. Reservations are limited! 

Visit our website


Mahoning County | Bible Study on the Eucharist (2/7 to 5/2) | Christ Our Savior Parish (Struthers)** -NEW

Dr. Ben Safranski (DRE) will be hosting a Bible Study on the Eucharist at Christ Our Savior in Struthers. He will work through many passages that teach us about the Eucharist, from Genesis to Revelation. Bible Study will be Tuesdays at 6 p.m. and Thursdays at 9 a.m. in the lower church at St. Nicholas, starting February 7th and concluding on May 25th. For more information, please contact Dr. Safrankski at


Trumbull County | Catholic Men’s Conference, March 25 | JFK High School (Warren)** -NEW

This is a FREE event, registration is required.

Catholic Men’s Fellowship of the Diocese of Youngstown has set this year’s Men’s Conference for Saturday, March 25th. This year’s theme is on the Eucharist and is titled “This is my Body.”

March 25th, 2023 at JFK Catholic High School in Warren, Ohio. Doors open at 8:00 am and the conference will run from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am with Bishop David Bonnar.

Our featured speakers include…

  • Fr. Ryan Furlong, Pastor of St Thomas the Apostle Parish in Vienna, Ohio • Dr. Ben Safranski, D.R.E. Christ Our Savior Parish, Struthers, Ohio • Fr. John-Michael Lavelle, Pastor of St Michael Parish, Canfield, Ohio.

To make a reservation go to

How much does it cost? It’s Free!

A freewill collection will be taken up to cover the conference’s expenses.

Are reservations required? YES!

Go to to make your reservation.


Stark County | Canton Palace Theatre Announces the Northeast Ohio Premiere of the Film Miracle at Manchester -NEW

Premier set for Saturday, February 4 with additional screening on Sunday, February 5, 2023, at the Canton
Palace Theatre, Canton, OH, January 10, 2023. The Canton Palace Theatre in conjunction with, present the Northeast Ohio premier of the film Miracle at Manchester, featuring Stark County native Eddie McClintock who directs and stars in the film. Doors Open at 6:30pm, movie begins at 7:30pm and tickets are $10 each. A pre-movie VIP Reception, presented by Walsh University, will take place from 6pm – 7pm in the mezzanine. Tickets are $75 per person and include hors devours, open bar and admission to the movie. Tickets are limited. Tickets to the movie or the VIP Reception can be purchased in advance at, in person at 605 Market Avenue North in Canton, Ohio, over the phone Monday – Friday 10am to 4pm at (330) 454-8172, or at the door starting at 6:30pm on Saturday, February 4, 2023.

The Miracle at Manchester is the telling of the true story of Brycen Newman, who at age 15 was diagnosed with medulloblastoma – a very aggressive and fast-growing brain cancer, and how a community comes together to organize a miracle, while two men find their own restoration in his healing journey.

The event is presented with promotional support from Walsh University, Visit Canton, and Arts in Stark.

Press Release

Full Page Flyer:

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