Office of the Permanent Diaconate
The diaconate is the Church’s pre-eminent sign of the basic mission of all believers to serve others. Deacons give sacramental witness to what makes us fundamentally human; an other-centered responsibility for those in need. Deacons in their active involvement in community, in their outreach to the poor and the marginalized, and in their fostering of the Eucharistic communion of the Church, sacramentalize the Church’s service. The sign of the diaconate celebrates, manifests and makes effective the service of all good people everywhere. Deacons show what service is when it is done in the self-giving love of Christ.
The Diocese of Youngstown supports this crucial ministry in the life of the Church through:
- Initial discernment and formation of candidates
- Ongoing formation and retreats for permanent deacons
- Administration related to permanent deacons
Priests/Deacons/Seminarians only:
Our Three-Fold Ministry
Ordained for service in all 3 areas.
Deacon as Evangelizer and Teacher
- Proclaim the Gospel
- Preach in accord with Canon Law
- Catechetical instruction
- Religious formation for reception of sacraments
- Leadership roles in retreats, evangelization, and renewal programs
- Counseling and spiritual direction
Deacon as Sanctifier
- Solemnly baptizing
- Witness marriages
- Bring viaticum to the poor
- Preside at funerals and burials
- Lead Liturgy of Word with Communion
- Officiate at Liturgy of Hours
- Officiate at Exposition & Benediction
- Administer sacramentals
- as designated in the Book of Blessings
Eucharistic Celebrations
- Penitential Rite (Form C)
- Proclaim Gospel
- Preach in accord with Canon Law
- General intercessions
- Assist with receiving offertory gifts
- Invitation to sign of peace
- Dismiss community
Deacon as Witness and Guide
- Spiritual needs
- Physical needs of community
- Sacramentalize mission of the Church in words and deeds
Could God be calling you to serve?
Contact Diaconate
Send a message below on the form or contact:
Deacon William Bancroft, Office of Permanent Diaconate
(330) 744-8451 x369