A Lenten Taize Prayer Service is being planned by the local Youngstown NPM Chapter. Info to come soon. Please email Ralph Holtzhauser at rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org if you might be interested in playing or singing.
Ralph Holtzhauser, Diocesan Music Director, is extremely pleased to announce that Youngstown is officially a temporary chapter of the National Association of Parish Musicians (NPM) as of June 1st, 2024.
“Dinner and Dialogue” events are informal get togethers at restaurants to meet other music directors and music ministers. They are a great opportunity to meet fellow musicians, to get to know each other, and to talk about music and life. Please email Ralph Holtzhauser if you are interested in hosting or organizing an event.
Thank you for your attendance and interest in the Dinner and Dialogue events. These have been informative as to what has been going on in your parishes. It has also been very nice to get to know you on a personal level. Let’s keep the communication going! Please keep your eyes open for a Taize event that is in the works. Details to come at a later date.
The chapter is looking for people who might be interested in leadership positions. The point of NPM in this diocese is to foster collaboration and spiritual renewal, as well as addressing musical needs. Look for an email soon about how musicians can get involved, and how pastors can help as well. To join the diocesan musician email list, contact Ralph Holtzhauser at rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org.
Learn more about Music Ministry in the Office of Worship.