Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day
THIS DATE IS SOLD OUT! Please register for a future date.
The Engaged Couple Retreat is a day-long marriage preparation workshop designed to assist engaged couples in preparing for their life-long vocation of marriage. It is a day to study, review, and learn the truth, beauty and joy of God’s plan for marriage. There will be time for couples to focus on their relationship with each other, with Christ, and with His Church.
The retreat day consists of a series of short presentations providing basic instruction in the nature of the Sacrament of Marriage – its essential elements, marriage as a Christian vocation, as well as couple discussion and prayer. In addition, couples will receive a clear understanding of Christian sexuality and the role that God desires to play in marriage and family life.
The Engaged Couple Retreat is offered regularly and reservations are required.
Direct link to register: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=4479d9
Download our brochure for details or to print & mail your registration.
Any Questions please call:
Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family
(330) 744-8451 ext. 252 | Email: marriageoffice@youngstowndiocese.org.