Order of Consecrated Virgins
Women’s Religious Life Women in the Diocese of Youngstown considering the vocation of the life
Women’s Religious Life Women in the Diocese of Youngstown considering the vocation of the life
Sr. Mary Alyce Koval, OSU makoval@youngstowndiocese.org appointed to St Catherine of Siena Parish (Boardman).
Religious Order of Men Website Provincia México-Cuba-U.S.A REV. BRO. GABRIEL RENDÓN MEDINA, SSP Provincial Superior
Religious Order of Men Website North American Province REV. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, FSSP Provincial Superior 450
Religious Order of Men Website St. Joseph the Worker VERY REV. MODESTUS NGWU, OP, Major
Religious Order of Men Website Dominican Province of St. Joseph VERY REV. ALLEN MORAN, OP,
Religious Order of Men Website Immaculate Conception Province REV. ROBERT CAMPAGNA, OFM, Provincial 125 Thompson
Religious Order of Men Website REV. DANIEL MARY ONYEAYANA, CMF, Superior 3 DePaul Close Off
Religious Order of Women Website Antonine Village SR. SAMIA ABOU SHAKRA, AS, Local Superior 2691
Religious Order of Women Website Sacred Heart Monastery SR. MARY BRATRSOVSKY, OSB, Prioress 1910 Maple