Once entered in a sacramental register, the data is considered official and permanent. It may not be modified except under special conditions. Original data should never be scratched out, erased, whited out or otherwise destroyed or obliterated.
PERMITTED CHANGES: correct name; correct date; correct spelling; new legal name
MINOR CHANGES: (for example, correcting a misspelling) may be made directly to the original entry. Such changes are to be made by drawing a straight, simple line through the word, number, or letter to be changed and printing the correct text immediately above or below it. Do not use white-out or blacken out the original text. Write the correction above the crossed-out word. In the notations field, note the date of change and the source.
For major changes, please see: https://catechistcafe.weebly.com/sacramental-records.html
Thank you to all who work so hard to keep up the sacramental registers – it’s such an important element of our work, lasting through generations! If you have any questions, please contact Joan Lawson, Archivist, at 330-744-8451 x290 or email jlawson@youngstowndiocese.org.